Solution to Hackerearth Practice Section problems.
Contains all my Hackerearth Practice Section Solution in c++14. Code are one-lined, so feel free to indent and/or expand according to your need. Thought the solution are free to use I would not recommend anyone to submit the solutions without understanding the exact approach and logic used.
├── algorithm
│ ├── graph representation
│ ├── hamiltonian path
│ └── linear search
├── basic programming
│ ├── basics of bit manipulation
│ ├── basics of implementation
│ ├── basics of io
│ ├── basics of operators
│ ├── complexity analysis
│ └── recursion and backtracking
├── data structures
│ ├── 1-d
│ └── multi-dimensional
├── maths
│ ├── basic number theory-1
│ ├── basic number theory-2
│ ├── basic of combinatorics
│ ├── inclusion exclusion
│ ├── primality test
│ └── euler totient function
- Files are named in alphabetical order.
- All files are marked with the difficulty tag from hackerearth: _VE - VeryEasy, _E - Easy, _M - Medium and _H - Hard