Friendly android log lib, includes crash info collection, log saving, and more friendly log printing format
1, When unexpected crash happened, it can save crash info and device info to local file. 2, Friendly log format: log info includes thread id, class name, method name and line num of logging place, make you easy find where the log happened. 3, Divide the log into different level, you can chose to display different level log.
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.ninty90:VinciLog:2.0.0'
VinciLog.init(LogLevel, TAG, Context context);
You should init VinciLog before using it, if else the log will not be displayed So you are suggested putting the init code in the Application onCreate method
###log level instruction LogLevel.NONE : Do not show any log info
LogLevel.DEBUG : Show debug and above log
LogLevel.INFO : show info and below level log
LogLevel.WARN : show warn and below level log
LogLevel.ERROR : only show error log
VinciLog.init(LogLevel.DEBUG, "PENG", this);
VinciLog.e("This is a test");
If the code run, you can see the log displayed in Logcat:
07-21 14:18:01.738 8529-8529/? E/PENG: [1] MainActivity.onCreate( is a test
is the tag
is the id of thread the log printed in, 1 means in main thread.
means the log printed in onCreate Method of MainActivity class
means the log is at 17 lines of the file
This is a test
is the content of the log
More friendly log format, like logger(
Can set different tag of different log
Maybe send crash or debug info to Slack