Hexo Theme Mod By Niphor
Execute the following command and modify theme
in _config.yml
to light-kai
git clone git://github.com/niphor/hexo-theme-light-kai.git themes/light-kai
Execute the following command to update Light.
cd themes/light-kai
git pull
Default config:
首页: /
归档: /archives
- search
- category
- tag
excerpt_link: 详细
fancybox: true
rss: /atom.xml
share_provider: baidu
enable: true
facebook: true
twitter: true
google: false
pinterest: false
##baidu分享定制的太多,直接拷贝代码到 layout/share/baidu.ejs里面
show_replies: false
tweet_count: 5
comment_provider: duoshuo
##Facebook comment
appid: 123456789012345
comment_count: 5
comment_width: 840
comment_colorscheme: light
- menu - Main navigation menu
- widget - Widgets displaying in sidebar
- excerpt_link - "Read More" link text at the bottom of excerpted articles
- fancybox - Enable [Fancybox]
- rss - RSS subscription link (change if using Feedburner)
- share_provider Share buttons provider
- share_addthis - Share buttons at the buttom of articles (Powered by AddThis)
- enable - Enable share buttons
- pubid - Profile ID of AddThis
- facebook - Enable Facebook button
- twitter - Enable Twitter button
- google - Enable Google+ button
- pinterest - Enable Pinterest button
- twitter - Twitter widget config
- username - Twitter username
- show_replies - Enable displaying replies
- tweet_count - Tweets display in widget
- comment_provider Comment Function provider
- comment_facebook - Comment Function (Powered by Facebook)
- appid - Facebook App ID
- comment_count - Comment Number to Show
- comment_width - Comment Dialog Width
- comment_colorscheme - Comment Dialog Theme
- comment_duoshuo - Comment Function (Powered by 多说)
- short_name - Your DuoShuo Short Name
- google_analytics - Google Analytics ID
- change jquery/imageresize/fancybox load from cdnjs,may slower in china
- addthis replaced with baidu share by default
- disqus replaced with duoshuo by default
- change h1-h6/blockquote style in article
- not excute js if there is no photo in .gallery