A JavaScript emulator for the VIC20 computer.
This emulator is based on the amazing work of Andre Weissflog
https://github.com/floooh/chips-test https://github.com/floooh/chips-test
Copyright (c) 2017 Andre Weissflog
Open the emulator directly in your browser: vic20-emu
sets memory config (n=0,1,...)joy=1
emulates joystickload=program.prg
loads and exectutes a programb=<....>
loads the specified string as a base64 binary encoded file (created with the functionmakeBase64())
- prg files (
) are common VIC-20 program files that are loaded in memory. The first two bytes contain the loading address.
Dragging & dropping a ".prg" file on the emulator's window causes the file to be loaded.
Once a file is loaded, it's also stored on the browser cache so that you don't have
to drag&drop it again; you can use the load()
function from the JavaScript console.
These are the commands you can type from the JavaScript console (F12 key):
load("file.prg" [,start])
loads a file at the specified addresssave("file.prg" [,start, end])
saves a filedownload("file.prg")
gets the file as a browser downloadremove("file.prg")
remove file from browser's cachedir()
lists files on browser's cachepaste(text)
paste a string of text (e.g. containing a BASIC program)makeBase64("file.prg")
encodes the file for use with theb=
query string parameter (see)
configures memory (n from 0 to 5)vic20.reset()
resets the VIC20 (also via CTRL+ALT+BREAK keys)vic20.peek(address)
vic20.poke(address, data)