Ecostore is a shopping website created with React.Js in the frontend and Ruby on Rails as API in the backend that allows users to buy eco products.
- Authentication
- Session is authenticated in the backend. All queries return data that corresponds to the proper user.
- Users can sign up and log in from any page in the app.
- Create
- User can create an order for any item or items
- Reviews on Items
- Users can post reviews for different items.
- Search
- Users can search items by name
- Add Items
- Users can add items to their cart
- Update/Remove Cart Items
- Users can update Cart Item quantity
- Users can delete Cart Items
- React.js
- React Router [^5.1.2] - Declarative Routing
- React Router Dom [^5.1.2] - Declarative Routing
- Semantic UI React
- Custom CSS3 styling
- React Stripe Checkout [^2.6.3]
- Ruby [2.6.1]
- Rails [~> 5.2.3] - MVC web framework used as an API
- Bcrypt [~> 3.1.7] - Gem for encryption and securing user passwords
- Dotenv - Rails gem for securing API Keys
- Active Model Serializers - Serializing API routes to JSON
- JWT - securing tokens
- PostgreSQL [>= 0.18, < 2.0] - Database
- Stripe - Stripe Ruby gives access to the Stripe API from applications written in the Ruby language
- Cloudinary