A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS 2. Feel free to submit a pull request if you have some links/resources to add. Also, I try to verify that the articles below have some real content (i.e. aren't 2 paragraph blog posts with little information) to ensure I'm not listing "fluff" pieces.
Note: This repo is brand new as of 7/20/2015 and I plan to focus on it that week by looking for Angular 2 links to add. Feel free to help me flesh this out quickly :) To start off, I just copied the same list of categories from the Angular 1.x version of this repo. I'm guessing that some of the topics from Angular 1.x won't make sense in Angular 2. So if you see some top-level categories that should be removed when discussing Angular 2, please do a PR or leave a comment to explain the reason for removal.
I also blog about Angular and JavaScript topics at [my blog] (http://www.jmcunningham.net). Things have been quiet on the blog in 2015, but have hopes to revive it in the near future. Once I start doing some Angular 2 research at work...
The version of this repo for Angular 1.x is still maintained [here] (https://github.com/jmcunningham/AngularJS-Learning)
General Topics
Introductions/Beginning AngularJS2
Best Practices/Style Guides
Lessons Learned
Boilerplates/Seed Projects
Multipart Articles
Sample Apps
Scopes & Compile
Dependency Injection
Code Organization
RESTful Stuff
UI Stuff
Integration with Other Languages/Frameworks
Hosted Backends
Popular Third-Party Modules
Test Editor Bundles
Development Tools
Title | Author | Publisher | ng Version | Last Update |
ng-book 2 | Lerner, Coury, Murray, Taborda | Gumroad | v2.0 | WIP |
- [StackOverflow] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/angularjs)
- [AngularJS Mailing List (Google Groups)] (http://groups.google.com/group/angular)
- [Chatroom (Browser-based IRC)] (http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=angularjs&uio=d4)
- [AngularJS Google+ Community] (https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/115368820700870330756)
- [reddit] (http://www.reddit.com/r/angularjs)
- [Two Phases of Angular 2 Applications] (http://victorsavkin.com/post/114168430846/two-phases-of-angular-2-applications)
- The Core Concepts of Angular 2
- [Change Detection in Angular 2] (http://victorsavkin.com/post/110170125256/change-detection-in-angular-2)
- A deep dive into Angular 2.0
- [Writing Angular 2 in TypeScript] (http://victorsavkin.com/post/123555572351/writing-angular-2-in-typescript)
- [Getting Started With Angular 2.0] (http://thejackalofjavascript.com/getting-started-with-angular-2-0/)
- [Creating a Super Simple Todo App Using Angular 2] (http://www.htmlxprs.com/post/54/creating-a-super-simple-todo-app-using-angular-2-tutorial)
- [Official Quick Start by the Angular team] (https://github.com/angular/quickstart)
- Does this still make sense as a category for Angular2???
- [Angular 2 Template Syntax] (http://victorsavkin.com/post/119943127151/angular-2-template-syntax)
- [Creating Container Components, Part 3: Angular 2 Component Directives] (https://www.airpair.com/angularjs/posts/creating-components-p3-angular2-directives)
- [The Ultimate Guide to Forms in Angular 2] (http://blog.ng-book.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-forms-in-angular-2/)