Electron is a technology developed by Github. Which you can use to render html5 and javascript as a desktop app . But it uses node js . I have used PyQt5 for the shell and it is written with pure python so enjoy .
The code is beta and the idea is new . The project will be continuous . Please report issue .
Installing pytron is very easy .
Open your cmd as administrator and type the following
pip install pytron
## Linux Open your terminal with
Ctrl + Alt + T
and then
sudo pip install pyelectron
Pytron was mainly built in order to serve html5 file with a simple pyqt shell that acts like a desktop application
import os
import pyelectron as pt
# setting the title via predefined variable
pt.TITLE = 'App'
# htmlFile name can be saved via the variable htmlFile . os.path.join() is used for absolute file path
pt.htmlFile = pt.handler + os.path.join('index.html')
window = pt.BrowserWindow()
window.show() # show or execute the main Window
# Finally execute the file
if __name__ == '__main__':