PGP: A51E190C4C0808D0
- A geometric locus
(UTC +01:00) - https://nivit.github.io/
oterm Public
Forked from ggozad/oterma text-based terminal client for Ollama
polybar-module-earthquake Public
Polybar module for showing magnitude, location and time of the latest seismic event on Earth.
polybar-module-news Public
This polybar module displays News & Podcasts titles
transcrypt Public
Forked from elasticdog/transcrypttransparently encrypt files within a git repository
Shell MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2023 -
qute-keepassxc Public
Forked from ususdei/qute-keepassxcQutebrowser userscript to fetch credentials from KeepassXC password database
tg Public
Forked from paul-nameless/tgterminal telegram client that really works
clearine Public
Forked from okitavera/clearineBeautiful Logout UI for X11 window manager
freebsd-ports Public
Forked from freebsd/freebsd-portsFreeBSD ports tree (read-only mirror)
polybar-scripts Public
Forked from polybar/polybar-scriptsThis is a community project. We write and collect scripts for polybar!
pdfarranger Public
Forked from pdfarranger/pdfarrangerSmall python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
vbar Public
Forked from vbextreme/vbaranother i3/dwm status bar
mathjax-gui Public
A simple graphical user interface to MathJaX
MathJax-docs Public
Forked from mathjax/MathJax-docsMathJax documentation. Beautiful math in all browsers. Beautifully documented.
wp-cli.github.com Public
Forked from wp-cli/wp-cli.github.comwp-cli.org website
goodvibes Public
Goodvibes - A lightweight radio player for GNU/Linux
mjml Public
Forked from mjmlio/mjmlMJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy
ufmcontrol-i18n Public
The ufmcontrol utility is a program to control a radio attached to USB in FreeBSD
Dropbox-Uploader Public
Forked from andreafabrizi/Dropbox-UploaderDropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.
RssRead Public
Forked from Flukas88/RssReadRssRead main repo
FidoCadJ Public
Forked from DarwinNE/FidoCadJFidoCadJ is a free user-friendly vector graphic editor for MacOSX, Linux, Windows and Android
fidoreadjs Public
A FidoCadJ Reader written in JavaScript
detect-mobile-browser Public
Forked from smali-kazmi/detect-mobile-browserIt is a very simple & small javascript lib to detect all major modern mobile browsers in both backend & frontend
corebird Public
Forked from baedert/corebirdNative Gtk+ Twitter Client
seourls Public
Forked from tas2580/seourlsRewrite URLs of a phpBB Forum
redports Public
Redports is a continuous integration platform for FreeBSD ports. It helps ports developers to test changes in clean environments and provides a nice web-based user interface.