- Massachusetts
A simple yet powerful path planning tool for FRC robots
This is the official DTCG repository for the design tokens specification.
A non-exhaustive and in-progress list of people and resources in Accessibility and Data Visualization
HERO C#, FRC C++/Java, future platforms.
Code base for 2020 robot, initialized with develop branch of 2019 repo.
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
Visual Studio Code WPILib extensions
Software to help operate an offline git repo hosted on a raspberry pi
Minimum Viable Autonomous routine to complete the 2018 Auto Quest (the drive-forward part, at least)
Official Repository of WPILibJ and WPILibC
Cross-Platform, Multi-Use Motion Profiling and Trajectory Generation
Robotics Navigation Sensors. NavX-MXP designed for the National Instruments RoboRIO & FIRST FRC Robotics. Navx-MIcro designed for Android-based FIRST FTC Robots
NetworkTables Core Library (ARCHIVED, merged into allwpilib)
⏱️ Notes and resources related to v8 and thus Node.js performance
Automated memory leak detection and analysis