Showing how to integrate Zebra Datawedge into a Webview
Heats and dries wet filaments to improve print quality and longevity.
Open Source Laser Scanning Microscope
Simple RFID (EM-Marie) and wired (Dallas, Cyfral, Metacom) key dublicator with arduino. Supports EM4305, T5577, RW-1990.1 RW-1990.2 TM-01 TM2004 protocols. There are connections scheme in the project.
Панель управления для ESP8266, ESP32 и других Arduino. Конструктор интерфейса. Интеграция в умный дом. Esp8266, esp32 and Arduino Dashboard library
Легкая и удобная в обращении библиотека для работы с 1-Wire термометрами DS18B20
A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP32 over WiFi!
Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) or Wemos ESP32 D1 Mini (ESP32) based universal shield for WLED firmware
🎮 Implementation of Pong with Arduino Nano and I2C OLED 128x64
ATtiny Tetris Multi Button with music, additional sounds and improvements.
Webmin module for administering the Exim MTA (mail server).
Microswitch probe with magnetic attachement, primarily aimed at CoreXY 3d printers
Getting Linux (Esp. Ubuntu) up and running well on the Asus Transformer T100
🛁 🇷🇺 Концепции Чистого Кода, адаптированные для PHP
Kafka connector able to retrieve data from Asterisk PBX AMI
A smaller version of the sherpa extruder, direct and bowden supported
Книга "Архитектура сложных веб-приложений. С примерами на Laravel"
A morphological solution for Russian and English language written completely in PHP. Provides classes to inflect personal names, geographical names, decline and pluralize nouns, generate cardinal a…
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity