StarApps Studio
- India
- nixrajput.com
- in/nixrajput
- nixrajput
- @nixrajput07
get_time_ago Public
A Dart package that converts and formats `DateTime` objects into human-readable 'time ago' strings, such as '20 seconds ago', 'a minute ago', or '7 hours ago'.
flutter_carousel_widget Public
A customizable Flutter carousel widget with infinite scrolling, auto-scrolling, pre-built indicators, expandable widgets, auto-sized child support, and enlarged center page.
github-analytics Public
GitHub Analytics Dashboard is a web application that provides insights into your GitHub profile.
e-health-care-reactjs Public
An online help portal for everyone by NixLab.
portfolio-nextjs Public
This repository contains the source code for a portfolio website built using Next.js, TypeScript, Sass, Tailwind, and Aceternity UI.
nixrajput Public
I'm a passionate Software Developer from India with over 2 years of hands-on experience in crafting high-quality software solutions.
github-profile-trophy Public
Forked from ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy๐ Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme
social-media-api-nodejs Public
A social media API built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
bus-reservation-system-cpp Public
This repository contains the Bus Reservation System Management project developed using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and File Handling concepts in C++.
fly-me-to-my-destination Public
This project implements an algorithm to determine the minimum number of planes required to reach the last airport from the first airport given a list of fuel units available at each airport. The alโฆ
umbrella-customizer Public
The umbrella customizer tool will let the brand upload its logo and will create a preview by adding the logo to the bottom of the umbrella.
ecommerce-api-nodejs Public
This repository contains the source code for a E-commerce API built using Node.js Express, and JavaScript.
ecommerce-web-reactjs Public
This repository contains the source code for a E-commerce website built using React.js, CSS, and Redux.
job-portal-api-typescript Public
This repository contains the source code for a job portal API built using Node.js Express, and TypeScript.
ecommerce-mern Public
An E-commerce Web App developed using MERN stack where user can buy and checkout product with ease and add their review and rating for the products.
agora-token-server-nodejs Public
A Node.js server for Agora.io token for RTM and RTC.
nixlab-web-nextjs Public
This repository contains the source code for the NixLab's website built using Next.js, TypeScript, and Sass.
social-media-app-flutter Public
Rippl is a social media application developed using Flutter and managed with the GetX state management tool. It vows to revolutionize your social engagements by offering a smooth and immersive expeโฆ
all-contributors Public
Forked from all-contributors/all-contributorsโจ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code โจ
HTML MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2023 -
cloudinary-dart Public
A dart package to integrate Cloudinary API in Dart and Flutter.
retrofit.dart Public
Forked from trevorwang/retrofit.dartretrofit.dart is an dio client generator using source_gen and inspired by Chopper and Retrofit.
covid-tracker-flutter Public
An application developed with Flutter and Apify API for tracking latest conrona cases for Android and iOS.
This is a dashboard for the Social Media API. It is built using React and Material-UI. It is a work in progress.
flutter_local_notifications Public
Forked from MaikuB/flutter_local_notificationsA Flutter plugin for displaying local notifications on Android, iOS, macOS and Linux
photonix-app-flutter Public
A Flutter app developed with Flutter and Firebase Firestore.
flutter-webview-windows Public
Forked from jnschulze/flutter-webview-windowsA WebView2-powered Flutter WebView implementation for the Windows platform.
flavored-app-demo-flutter Public
A flutter app that demonstrates how to use the flavor and JSON in a Flutter application.
grocery-list-maker-flutter Public
A mobile app that allows you to create a grocery list and share it with others.