#pepperstone-trade-platform Manage your trade orders for multiple accounts at the same time.
##About This project is used to trade Pepperstone account via NJ4X api and it's a project on Elance.
This project using Swing as the user interface and using java mutiple threads to manage the account login and trade orders.Once we installed this software we can manage 10 trade accounts at the same time.
So far this project only support Pepperstone account to login,but will add support to other broker account later.
- jdk1.7.40+
- jfx-2.2.1.jar (Download it from here jfx-
- log4j-1.2.16.jar
- Download this project into your local computer;
- In the NJ4X folder,open the run_terminal_server.bat file;
- In the package com.elance run the PepperstoneMain.java file;
- In the Swing dialog input your trade account and login;
##License The MIT License