#Color schemes for default Mac OS X Terminal.app#
This is a set of color schemes for default Mac OS X Terminal.app (ported from iTerm 2 color schemes, collected by @mbadolato). Screenshots below and in the /screenshots directory of this repo.
note: Some default Mac OS X themes are not included here (default themes like "Pro", "Basic", "Grass",etc.), because you already have them :)
##Installation Instructions##
- Double click on selected theme. It will open a new Terminal window with that color scheme.
- Set the scheme as the default one with
Shell -> Use Settings as Default
##Tools## This repo contains tool to convert any iTerm 2 color scheme into Mac OS X Terminal scheme. To run just execute script:
./tools/iterm2terminal.swift /path/to/my/awesome-scheme.itermcolors
If you have an awesome schemes and going to publish them, please generate preview image using preview.sh
script under 'tools' directory.
##Screenshots## ###3024 Day###
###3024 Night###
###Atom One Light###
###Belafonte Day###
###Belafonte Night###
###Cobalt Neon###
###Dark Pastel###
###Espresso Libre###
###Hipster Green###
###Jackie Brown###
###Later This Evening ###
###Man Page###
###Monokai Soda###
###NightLion v1###
###NightLion v2###
###Paraiso Dark###
###Pencil Dark###
###Pencil Light###
###Piatto Light###
###Red Alert###
###Red Sands###
###Seafoam Pastel###
###Solarized Darcula (With background image)###
###Solarized Darcula (Without background image)###
###Solarized Dark###
###Solarized Dark Higher Contrast###
###Solarized Light###
###SpaceGray Eighties###
###SpaceGray Eighties Dull###
###Terminal Basic###
###Thayer Bright###
###The Hulk###
###Tomorrow Night###
###Tomorrow Night Blue###
###Tomorrow Night Bright###
###Tomorrow Night Eighties###