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VapourSynth Waifu2x NCNN Vulkan Plugin

Waifu2x filter for VapourSynth, based on waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan.


Download pre-built binaries and model files from releases. Uncompress and put into VapourSynth plugin folder.


core.w2xnvk.Waifu2x(clip[, noise, scale, model, tile_size, gpu_id, gpu_thread, precision, tile_size_w, tile_size_h, tta])
  • clip: Input clip. Only 32-bit float RGB is supported.

  • noise: Denoise level. (int -1/0/1/2/3, defualt=0)

    • -1 = none
    • 0 = low
    • 1 = medium
    • 2 = high
    • 3 = highest
  • scale: Upscale ratio. (int 1/2, default=2)

    • 1 = no scaling, denoise only. upconv_7 doesn't support this mode.
    • 2 = upscale 2x.
  • model: Model to use. (int 0/1/2, default=0)

    • 0 = upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb
    • 1 = upconv_7_photo
    • 2 = cunet (For 2D artwork. Slow, but better quality.)
  • tile_size: Tile size. Must be divisible by 4. Increasing this value may improve performance and take more VRAM. (int >=32, default=0 for auto choose)

  • gpu_id: GPU device to use. (int >=0, default=0)

  • gpu_thread: Number of threads that can simultaneously access GPU. (int >=1, default=0 for auto detect)

  • precision: Floating-point precision. Single-precision (fp32) is slow but more precise in color. Default is half-precision (fp16). (int 16/32, default=16)

  • tile_size_w / tile_size_h: Override width and height of tile_size.

  • tta: TTA (test-time augmentation) mode. (bool True/False, default=False)



Install dependencies:

# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S vapoursynth glslang vulkan-icd-loader vulkan-headers
# Fedora
sudo dnf install vapoursynth-devel glslang vulkan-loader-devel vulkan-headers

Get source code and build:

# clone repository and submodule
git clone
cd vapoursynth-waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build

# build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j 4


Install Vulkan SDK.

Open Git Bash, clone repository and submodule:

git clone
cd vapoursynth-waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build

Open Start Menu -> Visual Studio 2019 -> x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019, then build:

cd X:\path_to_vapoursynth-waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan\build
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DVAPOURSYNTH_HEADER_DIR=X:\path_to_vapoursynth\sdk\include\vapoursynth ..
cmake --build .

Note: If you are using VapourSynth "Portable" version, use -DVAPOURSYNTH_HEADER_DIR=X:\path_to_vapoursynth\sdk\include instead.