A simple container-based stack to manage a telegram channel
- Docker swarm
- Python 3
- Clone this repo
- Run installation bash script as followed:
- -i / --apiid - user/bot api id. Can be optained at https://my.telegram.org/auth?to=apps
- -h / --apihash - user/bot api hash. Can be optained at https://my.telegram.org/auth?to=apps
- -s / --stringsession -user/bot session string. Can be optained using getsession.py script from this repo (require api id & api hash)
- -d / --databasepassword - mysql database root password. Also 'll be used as password for grabber mysql user
- -u / --adminuserid - telegram id of the user who will have access to the admin panel. Can be obtained using @userinfobot (telegram)
- -t / --bottoken - telegram bot token to be used as the admin panel. Can be obtained using @BotFather (telegram)
- -r / --rtoken - restart token for webhook auth
Script also contains debug messages to detect problem stage
- Check correctness of installation using the following command - sudo docker stack ls && sudo docker service ls
(This step can be skipped in a full silent installation)
The operation of the bot begins after setting up the desired channels in the admin panel. You must enter data about the moderation channel, the final channel, and at least one donor channel. After each change, the session of the main bot is restarted. After publishing a post in one of the donor channels, information about the post is sent to the moderation channel. To publish this entry in the final channel, you must send in response to the forwarded message from the donor channel its id, which is sent as the next message in the moderation channel.
This project based on this repo https://github.com/andreyru02/telegram-grabber