elasticsearch Public
Forked from elastic/elasticsearchOpen Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
hbase Public
Forked from kovyrin/hbaseMirror of Apache Hadoop HBase
Kundera Public
Forked from Impetus/kunderaA JPA 2.0 compliant Object-Datastore Mapping Library for NoSQL Datastores.
mockito-examples Public
Forked from tomekkaczanowski/mockito-examplescode which presents some features of Mockito
1 UpdatedApr 18, 2012 -
Forked from michiard/CLOUDS-LABLaboratory Material for the course on Cloud Computing
practicalunittesting-exercises Public
Forked from tomekkaczanowski/practicalunittesting-exercisesSource code of the exercises from "Practical Unit Testing with TestNG and Mockito"
hbase-book Public
Forked from larsgeorge/hbase-bookContains the code used in the HBase: The Definitive Guide book.
hiho Public
Forked from sonalgoyal/hihoHadoop Data Integration with various databases, ftp servers, salesforce. Incremental update, dedup, append, merge your data on Hadoop.
hbase-mapreduce Public
Forked from sujee/hbase-mapreducemap reduce examples on HBaase