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NodeumApi - JavaScript client for nodeum_api The Nodeum API makes it easy to tap into the digital data mesh that runs across your organisation. Make requests to our API endpoints and we’ll give you everything you need to interconnect your business workflows with your storage.

All production API requests are made to:


The current production version of the API is v1.

REST The Nodeum API is a RESTful API. This means that the API is designed to allow you to get, create, update, & delete objects with the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, & DELETE.

JSON The Nodeum API speaks exclusively in JSON. This means that you should always set the Content-Type header to application/json to ensure that your requests are properly accepted and processed by the API.

Authentication All API calls require user-password authentication.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing The Nodeum API supports CORS for communicating from Javascript for these endpoints. You will need to specify an Origin URI when creating your application to allow for CORS to be whitelisted for your domain.

Pagination Some endpoints such as File Listing return a potentially lengthy array of objects. In order to keep the response sizes manageable the API will take advantage of pagination. Pagination is a mechanism for returning a subset of the results for a request and allowing for subsequent requests to “page” through the rest of the results until the end is reached. Paginated endpoints follow a standard interface that accepts two query parameters, limit and offset, and return a payload that follows a standard form. These parameters names and their behavior are borrowed from SQL LIMIT and OFFSET keywords.

Versioning The Nodeum API is constantly being worked on to add features, make improvements, and fix bugs. This means that you should expect changes to be introduced and documented.

However, there are some changes or additions that are considered backwards-compatible and your applications should be flexible enough to handle them. These include:

  • Adding new endpoints to the API
  • Adding new attributes to the response of an existing endpoint
  • Changing the order of attributes of responses (JSON by definition is an object of unordered key/value pairs)

Filter parameters When browsing a list of items, multiple filter parameters may be applied. Some operators can be added to the value as a prefix:

  • = value is equal. Default operator, may be omitted
  • != value is different
  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal
  • < lower than
  • >= lower than or equal
  • >< included in list, items should be separated by |
  • !>< not included in list, items should be separated by |
  • ~ pattern matching, may include % (any characters) and _ (one character)
  • !~ pattern not matching, may include % (any characters) and _ (one character)

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.1.0
  • Package version: 1.88.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit



To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install nodeum_api --save

Finally, you need to build the module:

npm run build
Local development

To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json (and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR. Then run:

npm install

Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR:

npm link

To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your nodeum_api from, and run:

npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>

Finally, you need to build the module:

npm run build


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install nodeum-io/nodeum-sdk-js --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var NodeumApi = require('nodeum_api');

var defaultClient = NodeumApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
// Configure API key authorization: BearerAuth
var BearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BearerAuth'];
BearerAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//BearerAuth.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"

var api = new NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi()
var opts = {
  'limit': 56, // {Number} The number of items to display for pagination.
  'offset': 56, // {Number} The number of items to skip for pagination.
  'sortBy': ["null"], // {[String]} Sort results by attribute.  Can sort on multiple attributes, separated by `|`. Order direction can be suffixing the attribute by either `:asc` (default) or `:desc`.
  'id': "id_example", // {String} Filter on id
  'cloudConnectorId': "cloudConnectorId_example", // {String} Filter on cloud connector id
  'poolId': "poolId_example", // {String} Filter on a pool id
  'name': "name_example", // {String} Filter on name
  'location': "location_example", // {String} Filter on location
  'price': "price_example" // {String} Filter on price
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.indexCloudBuckets(opts, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v2

Class Method HTTP request Description
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi indexCloudBuckets GET /cloud_buckets Lists all cloud buckets.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi indexCloudBucketsByCloudConnector GET /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id}/cloud_buckets Lists all cloud buckets.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi indexCloudBucketsByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/cloud_buckets Lists all cloud buckets from pool.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi mountStatusCloudBucket GET /cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id}/mount Get mount status of Cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi mountStatusCloudBucketByCloudConnector GET /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id}/cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id}/mount Get mount status of Cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi mountStatusCloudBucketByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id}/mount Get mount status of Cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi showCloudBucket GET /cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id} Displays a specific cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi showCloudBucketByCloudConnector GET /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id}/cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id} Displays a specific cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi showCloudBucketByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id} Displays a specific cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi syncCloudBuckets PUT /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id}/cloud_buckets/-/sync Synchronize internal cloud buckets with their remote equivalent.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi syncResultCloudBuckets GET /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id}/cloud_buckets/-/sync Check result of cloud connector sync job.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi updateCloudBucket PUT /cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id} Updates a specific cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi updateCloudBucketByCloudConnector PUT /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id}/cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id} Updates a specific cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi updateCloudBucketByPool PUT /pools/{pool_id}/cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id} Updates a specific cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudBucketsApi updateConfigFileCloudBucket PUT /cloud_buckets/{cloud_bucket_id}/config_file Updates a specific cloud bucket.
NodeumApi.CloudConnectorsApi createCloudConnector POST /cloud_connectors Creates a new cloud connector.
NodeumApi.CloudConnectorsApi destroyCloudConnector DELETE /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id} Destroys a specific cloud connector.
NodeumApi.CloudConnectorsApi indexCloudConnectors GET /cloud_connectors Lists all cloud connectors.
NodeumApi.CloudConnectorsApi showCloudConnector GET /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id} Displays a specific cloud connector.
NodeumApi.CloudConnectorsApi testCloudConnector PUT /cloud_connectors/-/test Test an unsaved cloud connector.
NodeumApi.CloudConnectorsApi testResultCloudConnector GET /cloud_connectors/-/test Check result of cloud connector test job.
NodeumApi.CloudConnectorsApi updateCloudConnector PUT /cloud_connectors/{cloud_connector_id} Updates a specific cloud connector.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi createContainer POST /containers Creates a new container.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi createContainerPrivilege POST /containers/{container_id}/container_privileges Creates a new privilege on the container.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi destroyContainer DELETE /containers/{container_id} Destroys a specific container.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi destroyContainerPrivilege DELETE /containers/{container_id}/container_privileges/{container_privilege_id} Destroys a specific privilege.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi indexContainerPrivileges GET /containers/{container_id}/container_privileges Lists all privilege on the container.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi indexContainers GET /containers Lists all containers.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi showContainer GET /containers/{container_id} Displays a specific container.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi showContainerPrivilege GET /containers/{container_id}/container_privileges/{container_privilege_id} Displays a specific privilege.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi updateContainer PUT /containers/{container_id} Updates a specific container.
NodeumApi.ContainersApi updateContainerPrivilege PUT /containers/{container_id}/container_privileges/{container_privilege_id} Updates a specific privilege.
NodeumApi.FilesApi filesChildren GET /files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder.
NodeumApi.FilesApi filesChildrenByContainer GET /containers/{container_id}/files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder.
NodeumApi.FilesApi filesChildrenByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder.
NodeumApi.FilesApi filesChildrenByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder.
NodeumApi.FilesApi filesChildrenByTaskExecution GET /task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder.
NodeumApi.FilesApi filesChildrenByTaskExecutionByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder.
NodeumApi.FilesApi importFilesChildrenByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/import_files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder on tape of pools, specific for Data Exchange.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexFiles GET /files Lists files on root.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexFilesByContainer GET /containers/{container_id}/files Lists files on root.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexFilesByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/files Lists files on root.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexFilesByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/files Lists files on root.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexFilesByTaskExecution GET /task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files Lists files on root.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexFilesByTaskExecutionByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files Lists files on root.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexImportFilesByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/import_files Lists files on root of tape of pools, specific for Data Exchange.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexOnTapesFilesByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/on_tapes_files Lists files on root of tape of pools, specific for Active and Offline.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexTapesByFileByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/files/{file_id}/tapes Displays tapes containing specific file, related to the specific pool.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexTapesByFileByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/files/{file_id}/tapes Displays tapes containing specific file, related to the specific task.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexTapesByFileByTaskExecution GET /task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files/{file_id}/tapes Displays tapes containing specific file, related to the specific task.
NodeumApi.FilesApi indexTapesByFileByTaskExecutionByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files/{file_id}/tapes Displays tapes containing specific file, related to the specific task.
NodeumApi.FilesApi onTapesFilesChildrenByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/on_tapes_files/{file_parent_id}/children Lists files under a specific folder on tape of pools, specific for Active and Offline.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showFile GET /files/{file_id} Displays a specific file.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showFileByContainer GET /containers/{container_id}/files/{file_id} Displays a specific file.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showFileByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/files/{file_id} Displays a specific file.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showFileByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/files/{file_id} Displays a specific file.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showFileByTaskExecution GET /task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files/{file_id} Displays a specific file.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showFileByTaskExecutionByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_executions/{task_execution_id}/files/{file_id} Displays a specific file.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showImportFileByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/import_files/{file_id} Displays a specific file on tape of pools, specific for Data Exchange.
NodeumApi.FilesApi showOnTapeFileByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/on_tapes_files/{file_id} Displays a specific file on tape of pools, specific for Active and Offline.
NodeumApi.MetadataApi indexFileMetadataDefinitions GET /file_metadata_definitions List file metadata definitions
NodeumApi.MetadataApi indexTaskMetadataDefinitions GET /task_metadata_definitions List task metadata definitions
NodeumApi.MetadataApi showFileMetadataDefinition GET /file_metadata_definitions/{metadata_definition_id} Displays a specific task metadata definition.
NodeumApi.MetadataApi showTaskMetadataDefinition GET /task_metadata_definitions/{metadata_definition_id} Displays a specific task metadata definition.
NodeumApi.MountsApi indexMounts GET /mounts List all mounted storages.
NodeumApi.NasApi createNas POST /nas Creates a new NAS.
NodeumApi.NasApi destroyNas DELETE /nas/{nas_id} Destroys a specific NAS.
NodeumApi.NasApi indexNas GET /nas Lists all NAS.
NodeumApi.NasApi showNas GET /nas/{nas_id} Displays a specific NAS.
NodeumApi.NasApi updateNas PUT /nas/{nas_id} Updates a specific NAS.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi createNasShareByNas POST /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares Creates a new NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi destroyNasShare DELETE /nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Destroys a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi destroyNasShareByNas DELETE /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Destroys a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi destroyNasShareByPool DELETE /pools/{pool_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Destroys a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi indexNasShares GET /nas_shares Lists all NAS shares.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi indexNasSharesByNas GET /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares Lists all NAS shares.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi indexNasSharesByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/nas_shares Lists all NAS shares from pool.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi mountStatusNasShare GET /nas_shares/{nas_share_id}/mount Get mount status of NAS Share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi mountStatusNasShareByNas GET /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id}/mount Get mount status of NAS Share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi mountStatusNasShareByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id}/mount Get mount status of NAS Share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi showNasShare GET /nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Displays a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi showNasShareByNas GET /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Displays a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi showNasShareByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Displays a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi testNasShare PUT /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares/-/test Test an unsaved NAS Share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi testResultNasShare GET /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares/-/test Check result of a NAS Share test job.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi updateNasShare PUT /nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Updates a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi updateNasShareByNas PUT /nas/{nas_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Updates a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.NasSharesApi updateNasShareByPool PUT /pools/{pool_id}/nas_shares/{nas_share_id} Updates a specific NAS share.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi createPool POST /pools Creates a new pool.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi createPrimaryScan POST /pools/{pool_id}/primary_scan Set a new primary pool scan option.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi destroyPool DELETE /pools/{pool_id} Destroys a specific tape pool.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi destroyPrimaryScan DELETE /pools/{pool_id}/primary_scan Disable the primary pool scan.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi indexPools GET /pools Lists all pools.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi mountPool PUT /pools/{pool_id}/mount Mount Pool.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi mountStatusPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/mount Get mount status of Pool.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi showPool GET /pools/{pool_id} Displays a specific pool.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi showPrimaryScan GET /pools/{pool_id}/primary_scan Displays the primary pool scan status.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi syncPrimaryPool POST /pools/{pool_id}/sync Synchronize a primary after a scan (for internal use only).
NodeumApi.PoolsApi unmountPool DELETE /pools/{pool_id}/mount Unmount Pool.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi updatePool PUT /pools/{pool_id} Updates a specific pool.
NodeumApi.PoolsApi updatePrimaryScan PUT /pools/{pool_id}/primary_scan Updates the existing primary pool scan option.
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByDate GET /statistics/by_date Get statistics about files, grouped by date
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByFileExtension GET /statistics/by_file_extension Get statistics about files, grouped by file extension
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByGroupOwner GET /statistics/by_group_owner Get statistics about files, grouped by owner (group)
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByMetadata GET /statistics/by_metadata Get statistics about files, grouped by metadata
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByPrimaryCloud GET /statistics/by_primary_cloud Get statistics about files, grouped by primary Cloud
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByPrimaryName GET /statistics/by_primary_name Get statistics about files, grouped by primary storages
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByPrimaryNas GET /statistics/by_primary_nas Get statistics about files, grouped by primary NAS
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByPrimaryStorage GET /statistics/by_primary_storage Get statistics about files, grouped by primary storage
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsBySecondaryCloud GET /statistics/by_secondary_cloud Get statistics about files, grouped by secondary Cloud
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsBySecondaryNas GET /statistics/by_secondary_nas Get statistics about files, grouped by secondary NAS
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsBySecondaryStorage GET /statistics/by_secondary_storage Get statistics about files, grouped by secondary storage
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsBySecondaryTape GET /statistics/by_secondary_tape Get statistics about files, grouped by secondary Tape
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsBySize GET /statistics/by_size Get statistics about files, grouped by size
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsByUserOwner GET /statistics/by_user_owner Get statistics about files, grouped by owner (user)
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsStorage GET /statistics/storage Get statistics about storages, grouped by types
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsTaskByMetadata GET /statistics/task_by_metadata Get statistics about tasks executions, grouped by metadata
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsTaskByStatus GET /statistics/task_by_status Get statistics about tasks executions, grouped by status
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsTaskByStorage GET /statistics/task_by_storage Get statistics about tasks executions, grouped by source and destination
NodeumApi.StatisticsApi statisticsTaskByWorkflow GET /statistics/task_by_workflow Get statistics about tasks executions, grouped by workflow
NodeumApi.SystemsApi downloadResetVars POST /systems/reset/generate_vars Creates a YAML file with selected tables and downloads it
NodeumApi.SystemsApi resultDownloadTraces GET /systems/download_traces Check result of a download traces job.
NodeumApi.SystemsApi triggerDownloadTraces PUT /systems/download_traces Trigger a download traces request.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi createTapeDriveByTapeLibrary POST /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tape_drives Creates a new tape drive.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi destroyTapeDrive DELETE /tape_drives/{tape_drive_id} Destroys a specific tape drive.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi destroyTapeDriveByTapeLibrary DELETE /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tape_drives/{tape_drive_id} Destroys a specific tape drive.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi indexTapeDriveDevices GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tape_drives/-/devices Lists tape drives devices.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi indexTapeDrives GET /tape_drives Lists all tape drives.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi indexTapeDrivesByTapeLibrary GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tape_drives Lists all tape drives.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi showTapeDrive GET /tape_drives/{tape_drive_id} Displays a specific tape drive.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi showTapeDriveByTapeLibrary GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tape_drives/{tape_drive_id} Displays a specific tape drive.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi updateTapeDrive PUT /tape_drives/{tape_drive_id} Updates a specific tape drive.
NodeumApi.TapeDrivesApi updateTapeDriveByTapeLibrary PUT /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tape_drives/{tape_drive_id} Updates a specific tape drive.
NodeumApi.TapeLibrariesApi createTapeLibrary POST /tape_libraries Creates a new tape library.
NodeumApi.TapeLibrariesApi destroyTapeLibrary DELETE /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id} Destroys a specific tape library.
NodeumApi.TapeLibrariesApi indexTapeLibraries GET /tape_libraries Lists all tape libraries.
NodeumApi.TapeLibrariesApi indexTapeLibraryDevices GET /tape_libraries/-/devices Lists tape libraries devices.
NodeumApi.TapeLibrariesApi showTapeLibrary GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id} Displays a specific tape library.
NodeumApi.TapeLibrariesApi updateTapeLibrary PUT /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id} Updates a specific tape library.
NodeumApi.TapesApi destroyTape DELETE /tapes/{tape_id} Destroys a specific tape. Only when it's an orphan.
NodeumApi.TapesApi indexTapeStats GET /tape_stats List all tape statistics.
NodeumApi.TapesApi indexTapes GET /tapes Lists all tapes.
NodeumApi.TapesApi indexTapesByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/tapes Lists all tapes.
NodeumApi.TapesApi indexTapesByTapeLibrary GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tapes Lists all tapes.
NodeumApi.TapesApi mountStatusTape GET /tapes/{tape_id}/mount Get mount status of Tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi mountStatusTapeByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/tapes/{tape_id}/mount Get mount status of Tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi mountStatusTapeByTapeLibrary GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tapes/{tape_id}/mount Get mount status of Tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi showTape GET /tapes/{tape_id} Displays a specific tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi showTapeByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/tapes/{tape_id} Displays a specific tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi showTapeByTapeLibrary GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tapes/{tape_id} Displays a specific tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi showTapeStat GET /tapes/{tape_id}/tape_stat Display statistic for a specific tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi showTapeStatByPool GET /pools/{pool_id}/tapes/{tape_id}/tape_stat Display statistic for a specific tape.
NodeumApi.TapesApi showTapeStatByTapeLibrary GET /tape_libraries/{tape_library_id}/tapes/{tape_id}/tape_stat Display statistic for a specific tape.
NodeumApi.TaskCallbacksApi createTaskCallback POST /tasks/{task_id}/task_callbacks Creates a new task callback.
NodeumApi.TaskCallbacksApi destroyTaskCallback DELETE /tasks/{task_id}/task_callbacks/{task_callback_id} Destroys a specific task callback.
NodeumApi.TaskCallbacksApi indexTaskCallbacks GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_callbacks Lists all task callbacks.
NodeumApi.TaskCallbacksApi showTaskCallback GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_callbacks/{task_callback_id} Displays a specific task callback.
NodeumApi.TaskCallbacksApi updateTaskCallback PUT /tasks/{task_id}/task_callbacks/{task_callback_id} Updates a specific task callback.
NodeumApi.TaskDestinationsApi createTaskDestination POST /tasks/{task_id}/task_destinations Creates a new task destination.
NodeumApi.TaskDestinationsApi destroyTaskDestination DELETE /tasks/{task_id}/task_destinations/{task_destination_id} Destroys a specific task destination.
NodeumApi.TaskDestinationsApi indexTaskDestinations GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_destinations Lists all task destinations.
NodeumApi.TaskDestinationsApi showTaskDestination GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_destinations/{task_destination_id} Displays a specific task destination.
NodeumApi.TaskDestinationsApi updateTaskDestination PUT /tasks/{task_id}/task_destinations/{task_destination_id} Updates a specific task destination.
NodeumApi.TaskExecutionsApi indexTaskExecutions GET /task_executions Lists all task executions.
NodeumApi.TaskExecutionsApi indexTaskExecutionsByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_executions Lists all task executions.
NodeumApi.TaskExecutionsApi showTaskExecution GET /task_executions/{task_execution_id} Displays a specific task execution.
NodeumApi.TaskExecutionsApi showTaskExecutionByTask GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_executions/{task_execution_id} Displays a specific task execution.
NodeumApi.TaskMetadataApi createTaskMetadatum POST /tasks/{task_id}/task_metadata Creates a new task metadatum.
NodeumApi.TaskMetadataApi destroyTaskMetadatum DELETE /tasks/{task_id}/task_metadata/{task_metadatum_id} Destroys a specific task metadatum.
NodeumApi.TaskMetadataApi indexTaskMetadata GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_metadata Lists all task metadata.
NodeumApi.TaskMetadataApi showTaskMetadatum GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_metadata/{task_metadatum_id} Displays a specific task metadatum.
NodeumApi.TaskMetadataApi updateTaskMetadatum PUT /tasks/{task_id}/task_metadata/{task_metadatum_id} Updates a specific task metadatum.
NodeumApi.TaskOptionsApi createTaskOption POST /tasks/{task_id}/task_options Creates a new task option.
NodeumApi.TaskOptionsApi destroyTaskOption DELETE /tasks/{task_id}/task_options/{task_option_id} Destroys a specific task option.
NodeumApi.TaskOptionsApi indexTaskOptions GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_options Lists all task options.
NodeumApi.TaskOptionsApi showTaskOption GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_options/{task_option_id} Displays a specific task option.
NodeumApi.TaskOptionsApi updateTaskOption PUT /tasks/{task_id}/task_options/{task_option_id} Updates a specific task option.
NodeumApi.TaskSchedulesApi createTaskSchedule POST /tasks/{task_id}/task_schedule Creates a new task schedule. Only one should be created.
NodeumApi.TaskSchedulesApi destroyTaskSchedule DELETE /tasks/{task_id}/task_schedule Destroys the task schedule.
NodeumApi.TaskSchedulesApi indexTaskSchedules GET /task_schedules Lists all task schedules.
NodeumApi.TaskSchedulesApi showTaskSchedule GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_schedule Displays the task schedule.
NodeumApi.TaskSchedulesApi updateTaskSchedule PUT /tasks/{task_id}/task_schedule Updates the existing task schedule.
NodeumApi.TaskSourcesApi createTaskSource POST /tasks/{task_id}/task_sources Creates a new task source.
NodeumApi.TaskSourcesApi destroyTaskSource DELETE /tasks/{task_id}/task_sources/{task_source_id} Destroys a specific task source.
NodeumApi.TaskSourcesApi indexTaskSources GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_sources Lists all task sources.
NodeumApi.TaskSourcesApi showTaskSource GET /tasks/{task_id}/task_sources/{task_source_id} Displays a specific task source.
NodeumApi.TaskSourcesApi updateTaskSource PUT /tasks/{task_id}/task_sources/{task_source_id} Updates a specific task source.
NodeumApi.TasksApi createTask POST /tasks Creates a new task.
NodeumApi.TasksApi destroyTask DELETE /tasks/{task_id} Destroys a specific task.
NodeumApi.TasksApi indexTasks GET /tasks Lists all tasks.
NodeumApi.TasksApi pauseTask PUT /tasks/{task_id}/action/pause Pause a task.
NodeumApi.TasksApi pauseTaskResult GET /tasks/{task_id}/action/pause Check result of a task pause request.
NodeumApi.TasksApi resumeTask PUT /tasks/{task_id}/action/resume Resume a task.
NodeumApi.TasksApi resumeTaskResult GET /tasks/{task_id}/action/resume Check result of a task resume request.
NodeumApi.TasksApi runTask PUT /tasks/{task_id}/action/run Run a task.
NodeumApi.TasksApi runTaskResult GET /tasks/{task_id}/action/run Check result of a task run request.
NodeumApi.TasksApi showTask GET /tasks/{task_id} Displays a specific task.
NodeumApi.TasksApi stopTask PUT /tasks/{task_id}/action/stop Stop a task.
NodeumApi.TasksApi stopTaskResult GET /tasks/{task_id}/action/stop Check result of a task stop request.
NodeumApi.TasksApi updateTask PUT /tasks/{task_id} Updates a specific task.
NodeumApi.UsersApi createApiKey POST /users/me/api_keys Creates a new API Key for current user.
NodeumApi.UsersApi createConfiguration POST /users/me/configurations Creates a new configuration value for current user.
NodeumApi.UsersApi destroyApiKey DELETE /users/me/api_keys/{api_key_id} Destroys a specific API Key.
NodeumApi.UsersApi destroyConfiguration DELETE /users/me/configurations/{configuration_id} Destroys a specific configuration value.
NodeumApi.UsersApi indexApiKeys GET /users/me/api_keys Lists all API keys of current user.
NodeumApi.UsersApi indexConfigurations GET /users/me/configurations Lists all configurations of current user.
NodeumApi.UsersApi indexSystemGroups GET /groups/-/systems List all system groups.
NodeumApi.UsersApi indexSystemUsers GET /users/-/systems List all system users.
NodeumApi.UsersApi showApiKey GET /users/me/api_keys/{api_key_id} Displays a specific API Key with its scopes.
NodeumApi.UsersApi showConfiguration GET /users/me/configurations/{configuration_id} Displays a specific configuration value.
NodeumApi.UsersApi updateApiKey PUT /users/me/api_keys/{api_key_id} Updates a specific API Key.
NodeumApi.UsersApi updateConfiguration PUT /users/me/configurations/{configuration_id} Updates a specific configuration value.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


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