Just dump sumareji tables into CSV
Ensure you have Go 1.11 or later installed, then:
git clone https://github.com/nombre-premier/sumarejidump.git
cd sumarejidump
make vendor
make build
sumarejidump - Just dump sumareji data
sumarejidump [command] [options] [table_name]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--token value, -t value sumareji access token [$SUMAREJI_ACCESS_TOKEN]
--contract_id value, -i value sumareji contract_id [$SUMAREJI_CONTRACT_ID]
--conditions value, -c value filter data by given conditon(s)
--output value, -o value output dir name, default: yyyyMMDDhhmmss
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
- The output CSV file name is the name of table.
- CSV header filed is same to the attribute of the table.
- The order of CSV filed is same to the No of the table in sumareji specification.
# single condition
# condition is splited by ":" and convert into json key-value pair.
sumarejidump -c categoryId:1 category
# multiple condtions
sumarejidump -c categoryId >=:1 -c cateoryCode:dbss category
# specify output directory name
# default is yyyyMMDDhhmmss, such as 20190102030405
sumarejidump -o result category
- Go 1.11+