Tags: nonomal/Maccy
Enable application sandbox This enables a sandbox which is more secure and is required for App Store submission. The application doesn't use any restricted features so it's only required to properly migrate preferences (this is done automatically) and storage (this is done by moving Application Support directory using special container-migration manifest). See https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Security/Conceptual/AppSandboxDesignGuide/MigratingALegacyApp/MigratingAnAppToASandbox.html for more details. In order to keep auto-update work, Sparkle needed to be updated to 2.x as 1.x doesn't work in sandboxed environment. It's not possible to install 2.x using CocoaPods so it's now embedded as a framework. It has been build in 2.x branch at 438f4a21. Downloading and installing updates is implemented through XPC services to avoid adding unnecessary network entitlements to the application sandbox. See https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle/blob/2.x/INSTALL.markdown for more details.