Find JNI function signatures in APK and apply to reverse-engineering tools.
an android OTA payload dumper written in Go
Xposed Module to Hide Mock Location Settings
An Android Injector aimed to inject through Virtual Space without root permissions
Create a USB Rubber Ducky like device using a Raspberry PI Pico
Android application and Xposed module that allows you to spoof your device's location globally or for specific apps without using "mock location" from the developer options.
Xposed module which will set location where you want without effect mock location.
A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
Hook System Framework 让应用认为没有开启无障碍服务
A simple, modern server dashboard, primarily used by smaller private servers
一个致力于快速帮助用户配置Root环境隐藏的安装器模块的Git存储库 | A Git repository dedicated to quickly helping users configure a hidden installer module for a Root environment.
Hide your private files and apps with a single click.
Ninja Reverse Engineering on Android APK packages
XMachOViewer is a Mach-O viewer for Windows, Linux and MacOS
A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.