This theme is forked from the default prestashop theme of the 1.5.4 version. I used, which is recommended on website, to bring us the power of media queries.
The main reason why I decided to create this theme is that I wanted to offer my customers a mobile view of their shop without having to maintain both mobile and desktop themes. Another advantage is that this theme aims to be a blank theme which can be used by developers to create new themes.
- Added viewport
- Remove the "@import" rule from the main CSS file
- Added the many unsemantic CSS files
- Added the unsemantic CSS link of the main responsive
- Added "alpha" and "omega" exceptions to the grid
- Added "max-width:100%" to images in the left and right column in mobile view
- Removed horiizontal padding to the left and right columns in mobile view
- Replaced "container_9" class name with "grid-container"
- Replaced "grid_9" class name with "grid-100" as main wrapper
- Replaced "grid_6" class name with "grid-65" in the right header block
- Replaced "grid_5" class name with "grid-60" in the center column
- Replaced "grid_2" class name with "grid-20"for the left and right columns
- Replaced "grid_2" class name with "grid-50" in the stores page
- Replaced the width of the center column from "757px" to "80%" when there is no left column
- Added "mobile-grid-100" class name to the right block of the header
- Removed the "clear" class of the product list
- Added CSS and IMG from modules : ** blockcart : mobile view (need the cart positionned just under the user info in the header) ** blockcurrencies : mobile view ** blocknewproducts : override the left margin in the right column ** blocknewsletter : input width ** blockpermanentlinks : mobile view ** blocksearch : mobile view ** blocktopmenu : override the menu width ** blockuserinfo : mobile view ** blockviewed : layout ** homefeatured : column width
- Make the top menu dropdownable