- Kiel, Germany
libimobiledevice-node Public
A cross-platform software protocol library and tools to communicate with iOS® devices natively.
dioxus Public
Forked from DioxusLabs/dioxusFriendly React-like GUI library for desktop, web, mobile, and more.
dioxus-toast Public
Forked from mrxiaozhuox/dioxus-toastdioxus-toast
bevy Public
Forked from bevyengine/bevyA refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
validator Public
Forked from Keats/validatorSimple validation for Rust structs
render.rs Public
Forked from render-rs/render.rs🔏 A safe and simple template engine with the ergonomics of JSX
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
helix Public
Forked from helix-editor/helixA post-modern modal text editor.
shaderc-rs Public
Forked from google/shaderc-rsRust bindings for the shaderc library.
rona-vscode-extension Public
Forked from knowbee/rona-vscode-extensionconvert require syntax to ES6 import syntax vscode extension
arewegameyet Public
Forked from rust-gamedev/arewegameyetThe repository for arewegameyet.rs
BosqueLanguage Public
Forked from microsoft/BosqueLanguageThe Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine assisted rapid and reliable software development lifecycle.
nom Public
Forked from rust-bakery/nomRust parser combinator framework
javascript-lexer Public
Forked from hrvolapeter/javascript-lexer -
rook-ecs Public
Forked from sz-piotr/rook-ecsAn Entity-Component-System library built for ease of use and code readability.
amethyst Public
Forked from amethyst/amethystData-oriented and data-driven game engine written in Rust
elm-parser Public
Forked from michaeljones/elm-parserA parser for the Elm language written in Rust using the nom library
OpenGL tutorial written in Kotlin Native (http://opengl-tutorial.org)
emerald-layout Public
Emerald-layout is a flexible layout engine inspired in Facebook Yoga Layout
layout2d Public
Forked from fschutt/layout2dPreliminary GridBag / Flex UI system for Rust
electron-pug Public
Forked from yan-foto/electron-pugSimple electron module to render Pug (former Jade) templates
baxel Public
Baxel is a MVC web framework build on top of Koa.io