This directory contains source codes for processing point Clouds using
- python with library open3d
- CPP with library PCL
We obtain point cloud in a ".pcd" formate and it's source is ROS simulation
- Running the drone simulation
roslaunch uav_sim 6_Point_cloud_Segmentation.launch
- Saving the current view infront of Drone
rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/asus_depth_camera/depth/points
For processing we have two option
- CPP Executable creation
- Inside of build folder
cmake .. make ./<name of executable>
- Visualizing
pcl_viewer -multiview 2 table_scene_lms400_downsampled.pcd cloud_cluster0.pcd cloud_cluster1.pcd cloud_cluster2.pcd cloud_cluster3.pcd cloud_cluster4.pcd
- Inside of build folder
- Python