A Lightmeter/Flashmeter for photographers, based on Arduino. TODO update this!
- Rewrite the code to use u8g2 instead of the Adafruit lib
- Investigate: why does it take 2 measures in ambient mode to get the actual result? (can the high res mode be used all the time?)
- Refactor the code - so it is easier to do the next step
- Modify the code, to work with 128x32 displays
[ ] Find a solution to get rid of the arduino nano, and be more power efficient, and use rechargeable batteries (1.2V) ( + boost regulator)(see note 1.)- Make the whole thing take up less space and RAM (currently ~26600bytes and ~1760bytes)
- Use the single/double buffer mode (with double buffer mode ~1000bytes - see note 2.)
- Use bitmaps insted of text where applicable (this helps to use smaller font set)
- Use custom fonts, and restrict them to the minimum number of characters needed (possibly numbers only)
- update the readme with the updated description, components and feature list. Also add credits to the original author!
- modify getBandgap() for the new board and schematic
- modify the schematic to have the buttons take up less pins
- New feature: kitchen timer functionality: add a buzzer, and add code to count down the measured time for bulb mode photography
- Indicate when the device is measuring - display a "measuring..." or similar text
- Draw new schematic diagram
- I was aiming to use an attiny45/85 (or something along these lines), but even the u8x8 lib uses ~430bytes of RAM, and that is a bit too much for a device that has 512bytes. I could have used my own SH1106Lib (that is the display I am using) as it uses much less mem, but then we would have lost the ability to use any display you wanted. So I'm now using an Arduino Pro Mini clone.
- Currently using double buffer mode. Speed is pretty good, RAM used is less than 1k. There is no need to use full buffer mode.
TODO update this list:
- Arduino NANO v.3 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/K3Kvbdnnea
- BH1750 light sensor https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mKDv2Ip1dr or https://www.banggood.com/custlink/GvGvnRNN0e
- SSD1306 128*64 OLED SPI Display https://www.banggood.com/custlink/DDKmsdAQ6z
- Buttons https://www.banggood.com/custlink/m3DGAYsnnY
- 50x70 PCB https://www.banggood.com/custlink/KvvvnybQAP
- AAA battery Holder https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vK3KsynANN
Thanks @morozgrafix https://github.com/morozgrafix for creating schematic diagram for this device.
The lightmeter based on Arduino as a main controller and BH1750 as a metering cell. Information is displayed on SSD1306 OLED display. The device is powered by 2 AAA batteries.
TODO update this list:
- Ambient light metering
- Flash light metering
- ND filter correction
- Aperture priority
- Shutter speed priority
- ISO range 8 - 4 000 000
- Aperture range 1.0 - 3251
- Shutter speed range 1/10000 - 133 sec
- ND Filter range ND2 - ND8192
- Displaying amount of light in Lux.
- Displaying exposure value, EV
- Recalculating exposure pair while one of the parameter changing
- Battery information
- Power 2xAAA LR03 batteries
Detailed information on my site: https://www.pominchuk.com/lightmeter/