NOW - New and Old Worlds - Database of fossil mammals
Rebuild of a fossil database application, old version at
The new version is not deployed yet.
Basic commands 💻
npm run setup
- Creates all files and directories required to run the project
npm run dev
- Runs the application in development mode
- Supports hot reloading
- Serves frontend by default at
npm run test:api
- Runs api-tests inside Docker
- Requires database to be running (start one with correct data:
npm run start:anon:api
npm run test:e2e
- Runs api-tests inside Docker
- Requires frontend, backend and database to be running (start all with
npm run start:anon
Further documentation
🚀 Setup app & restore db How to get the app up & running, and initialize database from sql-dumps
⌨️ List of all commands A comprehensive list of all of the most important commands
🙌 Contributing & integration flow Where to commit? Where are tests run? How is the code deployed?
📝 Frontend Explanation of the frontend logic and how to add views
🔎 Validators The readme explains how validators are written
🔎 Class diagram See the relations of relevant tables. Notice that it omits some unimportant tables and does not show most columns.
🌍 Map features Maps' functionality and development notes