MARCO-GE is a novel meta learning approach for clustering algorithm recommendation.
python --Df datasets_folder --em clustering_measure_name --mm clustering_measure_name --ne number_of_epochs --es graph_embedding_size
Example Usage #1 - particular clustering measure
python --Df Datasets --em all --mm BP --ne 20 --es 100
Example Usage #2 - average ranking measure
python --Df Datasets --em average --mm average --ne 10 --es 300
--Df: path to folder with datasets. The folder must contain CSV files.
--em: select clustering evaluation measure/s for evaluating the performance of the clustering algorithms. The available options are:
- average - computes the average ranking measure.
- all - computes 10 different clustering evaluation measures.
The evaluation's results are stored in the "Results" folder.
--mm: select a clustering evaluation measure for training the meta-model The available options are:
- average - computes the average ranking measure
- BP = Bezdek-Pal
- DU = Dunn Index
- CH = Calinski-Harabasz
- SIL = Silhouette score
- MC = Milligan-Cooper
- DB = Davies-Bouldin
- HKK = Handl-Knowles-Kell
- HL = Hubert-Levin
- Scat = SD-Scat
- Xie = Xie-Ben
--ne: number of epochs for training the GCNN model
--es: the graph embedding size
- python 3.6
- mst_clustering
- pandas
- networkx=2.4
- numpy=1.16.0
- xgboost
- sklearn_extensions
- openensembles
- scikit-learn=0.20.2
- dgl=0.4.3
- deepwalk
- torch After installing deepwalk package, follow the instructions in:
If you find MARCO-GE useful in your research. we ask that you cite the following paper:
@misc{cohenshapira2020automatic, title={Automatic selection of clustering algorithms using supervised graph embedding}, author={Noy Cohen-Shapira and Lior Rokach}, year={2020}, eprint={2011.08225}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.LG} }
The implementation of several clustering algorithms and clustering measures were taken from: