files may not open directly in Logic Works 5. However, you can view all the code in this repository and adapt it to your VHDL files manually if needed.
This repository contains VHDL code developed for lab sessions in the EES270 course at SIIT. The labs focus on designing and simulating digital circuits, including basic combinational circuits, sequential circuits, and more complex designs implemented using Logic Works 5.
Below is a brief description of each file included in this repository:
— A half-adder circuit for binary addition of two single-bit numbers.Lab04_FullAdder.vhd
— A full-adder circuit for binary addition, incorporating carry-in and carry-out.
— A 3-bit input to 7-segment display design that displays numbers 0 to 7 based on the binary input.
— Design of a 3-bit up/down counter using D Flip-Flop.Lab06_JK_FlipFlop.vhd
— Design of a 3-bit up/down counter using J-K Flip-Flop.
— Design of a 3-bit running LED using D Flip-Flop.Lab07_2_D_FlipFlop.vhd
— Enhanced design of a 3-bit running LED using D Flip-Flop, with additional logic for handling unspecified states (selectable to any state).
— Design of a Finite State Machine using D Flip-Flops to perform a mod-4 counting operation.This lab does not require a VHDL code implementation but focuses on implementing the design on a DT-1 trainer board. However, implementing this on a real board can be complicated. This code is provided to demonstrate how the logic works.
— Design of a vending machine
- Logic Works 5: Used for testing and simulation of PLD designs.
- VHDL: Hardware description language for digital circuit design.