ConWorkShop, or CWS, is a constructed languages and constructed worlds management and tooling web application.
Currently, an older, closed-source PHP version is deployed at This version made in Ruby will replace it once a good deal of the work is done. 😃
Install all the following dependencies on your machine:
- Ruby (>= 2.3)
- Rails (>= 5.0)
- PostgreSQL (>= 9.6, most likely works with earlier versions)
- PostgreSQL’s development headers must be available in your
- PostgreSQL’s development headers must be available in your
- ImageMagick (with version 6 compatibility tools, such as
Note: Technically, you can use any database other than PostgreSQL, but we use PostgreSQL.
After every dependency is met, open your terminal in the project root and run
$ bundle install
This will install all of ConWorkShop's other dependencies.
Now, go into the config
folder and setup the database.yml
and secrets.yml
folder as per the examples. Once you have these set up as you wish, run
$ bin/rake db:setup
Then, run rails server
to spin up a development instance on your own machine.
Thank you for wanting to contribute to CWS! Basically, read the file, and you should be good to go.
CWS’s code is under the Open Software License 3.0. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
- Jay, a.k.a. hashi, for all of his hard work into the first version of CWS. We love you! ❤️
The ConWorkShop project pledges to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. Basically, be nice.