A Python 3.x API Class to turn data from the PurpleAir/ThingSpeak API into a Pandas DataFrame with several utility methods.
- To use
pip install purpleair
- It is a good practice to only install within a virtual environment
- To hack
- Clone this repo
to the folder- Create a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- Install as dependency in the virtual environment
python setup.py develop
- Install third party dependencies
- Required to run:
pip install -r requirements/common.txt
- Install development requirements with
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
- Install example file requirements with
pip install -r requirements/examples.txt
- Required to run:
from purpleair.network import SensorList
p = SensorList() # Initialized 18,877 sensors!
print(len(p.useful_sensors)) # 7174, List of sensors with no defects
from purpleair.sensor import Sensor
s = Sensor('2891', parse_location=True)
print(s) # Sensor 2891 at 10834, Canyon Road, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68112, USA
from purpleair.network import SensorList
p = SensorList() # Initialized 18,877 sensors!
df = p.to_dataframe('all') # Other options include 'outdoor' and 'useful'
age downgraded flagged hidden humidity last_seen ... name parent pm_2.5 pressure temp_c temp_f
id ...
24115 36026 False False False 0.15 2019-01-09 20:33:05 ... 2nd South 12th East NaN 0.15 869.14 31.666667 89.0
16791 0 False False False 0.60 2019-02-03 20:59:26 ... DW0435 NaN 1.96 1009.82 30.000000 86.0
16792 0 False False False 0.60 2019-02-03 20:59:29 ... DW0435 B 16791.0 1.65 1009.77 30.000000 86.0
14633 0 False False False 0.55 2019-02-03 20:59:48 ... Hazelwood canary NaN 0.29 1000.25 18.333333 65.0
6522 538227 False False False 0.22 2018-01-26 02:32:25 ... Indoor NaN 1.33 837.97 23.888889 75.0
from purpleair.sensor import Sensor
se = Sensor('2891')
print(se.get_historical(weeks_to_get=1, sensor_channel='a').head())
created_at PM1 CF=ATM ug/m3 PM25 CF=ATM ug/m3 PM10 CF=ATM ug/m3 Free HEAP memory ADC0 Voltage Sensor Firmware Unused PM25 CF=1 ug/m3
536245 2019-01-27 00:00:35+00:00 12.87 17.70 18.39 30032.0 0.02 973.99 NaN 17.70
536246 2019-01-27 00:01:55+00:00 13.04 18.13 18.53 30584.0 0.02 974.00 NaN 18.13
536247 2019-01-27 00:03:15+00:00 14.80 18.91 20.33 30632.0 0.02 973.97 NaN 18.91
536248 2019-01-27 00:04:36+00:00 14.64 19.22 20.98 30720.0 0.02 974.03 NaN 19.22
536249 2019-01-27 00:05:55+00:00 15.16 19.71 20.56 30776.0 0.02 974.05 NaN 19.71
See examples in /scripts
for more detail.