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Deprecated, replaced by extended_scrapy

Handy Scraping: framework for reusable and flexible routines


The goal of this framework is to make scraping projects more easy to create, adjust, test, repair and deploy. It can handle scraping jobs using requests (get and post requests) or selenium (for instances where reaching the proper dynamic state is too tedious over requests (//todo necessary? replicating functionality over requests?)).

Note: This document mentions many features that have not (yet) been implemented (when followed by //todo).

*.json files scrape/ contain routines for scraping, processing and/or storing data using sets of instruction

  • they can call various inbuilt methods for handling processes;
  • they can call other *.json files so projects can be broken into smaller components;
  • they can be nested in other folders //todo

settings.json from scrape/ contains various default settings for scraping jobs

  • this file contains default arguments that can be overwritten for specific jobs by including settings in their *.json
  • database passes settings for data export //todo
    • for SQL, connection data has to be provided.
    • for .csv, file-name suffix has to be provided.

action.json from scrape/ contains named sets of routines to call //todo

  • manually run pre-defined scraping jobs from CLI //todo
  • automatically run various actions at predetermined schedules or conditional logic //todo
  • they can call other action__*.json from parent folder (double underscore enforced) //todo
  • default.json used when CLI includes no routine //todo

*.json files in scrape/__tests__/ contains routines and/or actions for validating data

  • test can be asserted before running job or before updating database state //todo
  • support for mock data //todo


In a scrape/ folder, include a settings.json

Parameters for "scrape/settings.json"

database_dictionary submitted under the form :

    "sql": {
        "user": ${user},
        "password": ${password},
        "host": ${host},
        "database": ${database}
    "csv: {
        "suffix": ${suffix}

Optionally, nest a database_dictionary as an attribute of a routine_dictionary (detailed below), it will take precedence over a database_dictionary from "scrape/settings.json" (becomes optional)

created are stored in a selection_dictionary containing instructions for navigation, :

Parameters for "selection_dictionary"

selection_dictionary submitted under the form :

selection_dictionary = {
    "type": ${type},
    "sel": ${sel},
    "index": ${index},
    "child": {
        "type": ${type},
        "sel": ${sel,
        "attr": ${attr},
        "date_type": ${date_type},
        "slice": ${slice}

An instance of a selection_dictionary contains the variables below.

Element selection :

  • tag : "a"/"div"/"li"/... (str)

If provided alone, returns all elements of tag.

  • type (opt): "id"/"class"/..., always with sel (str)
  • sel (opt): value of element's type, always with type (str, int, float)

If both provided, returns all elements of tag selected by attribute.

  • index (opt): single value or range to select from order retrieved (int, [int, int])

If provided, elements or values retrieved are sliced index (0-indexed) or within range of indexexs ([min, max+1]).

  • child (opt): nested element or attribute selection within parents (selection_dictionary)

If provided, recursively returns all elements from that nested selection_dictionary by searching within elements of the current selection.

Value selection :

None of these variables can be provided on the same level as a child nested selection_dictionary.

  • attr (opt): "text" or attr_type (str)

If provided, returns the text or the attr's value as the attribute's name for selected elements.

  • date_type (opt): format string for datetime (source), always with attr (str)

If provided, converts selected text values to datetime object using the given string format.

  • slice (opt): slices result with min, max provided ([min, max])

For scraping, parameters and functions have to be provided under routine_dictionary that will be executed by the launcher :

Parameters and functions for "scrape_settings_*.json"

An instance of a routine_dictionary contains a parameters_dictionary and one (dict) or more (list of dicts) function_dictionary - a list is executed in the order inserted and a function can be repeated by adding a unique digit in it's function_name (has to be a valid function found in ""). It is stored under a unique routine_name in "scrape_settings_*.json". The file can contain one or more routine.

An instance of a routine_dictionary is submitted under the form :

${routine_name}: {
    "parameters": ${parameters_dictionary},
    "functions": [
            ${function_name}: ${function_dictionary}
        }, ...

An instance of a parameters_dictionary is submitted under the form :

"parameters": {
    "url": ${url},
    "first_page": ${first_page},
    "next_page": ${next_page},
    "path_out": ${path_out},
    "download_entry": {
        "url": ${url},
        "file_name": ${file_name}

It can contain the variables :

  • url: local (file or folder path) or online (http address) (str, [str])
  • first_page (opt.): go to url value in element selected from original url request(selection_dictionary)
  • next_page (opt.): loop over url value in element selected from current url request (selection_dictionary)
  • path_out (opt.): relative or abs. path for downloaded outputs, if any (str)
  • download_entry (opt.): contains dictionary with url and file_name variables (dict), always with path_out

Instances of possible function_name & function_dictionary pairs are shown below, they can be provided in any order as a list.

scrape_values retrieves a selection_dictionary from the every container found, stores them in an internal dictionary with their value_name for later use or export. They can be called upon from a variable //todo verif whcih by adding a dot at the start of the string with it's value_name.

"scrape_values": [
        "container": ${selection_dictionary}
        "values": [
            ${value_name}: ${selection_dictionary}, ...
    }, ...

Retrieved values can be exported by calling the entry_to_db function.

"entry_to_db": {
    "type": ${type},
    "table": ${table},
    "serial": "${serial},
    "fields": {
        "field_name": ${field_value}

It can contain one of these variables :

  • type: "sql" or "csv" (str)

Will use the appropriate settings based on priority.

  • table: name of table in database or in csv files to use (str)
  • serial: fields that are continuation of last in table (field_key, [field_key, ...])
  • fields: series of field_key and field_value

Reminder field_value can retrieve values stored in scrape_values() with a string of the field_name preceded by a point.

The launcher executed as a standalone will execute all routines. It can also be called with the arguments for specific files or routines.

Parameters ""

Call the file with one or both following arguments, each holding a string or list of strings.

  • file_name (opt.): name(s) of "scrape_settings_*.json" file(s) to execute.
  • routine_name (opt.): name(s) of routines within file(s) to execute.

Provide empty brackets for file_name if routine_name called alone.

Example 1 : Scraping REIT properties to SQL

We will retrieve property information from BTB REIT's portfolio.

1 : Create required tables in SQL database "reits".

Show SQL database details

Our "reits" database will have the following schema. The tables have to be present in the database.


2 : Provide connection parameters in database_settings.json

Show parameters dictionary.
    "sql": {
        "user": "postgres",
        "password": "my_password",
        "host": "localhost",
        "database": "reits"

3 : Retrieve selectors of needed elements from source page.

Show elements used from source page.


4 : Provide selectors in scrape_settings_demos.json as nested dictionary under "scrape_properties_BTB".

5 : Run to execute routine!

Show results of routine.

Listed properties have been stored in a table.

BTB REIT elements

Their individual pages have been stored locally.

BTB REIT properties

6 : We can retrieve further data from the individual pages, we will scrape them locally by a new instructions dictionary under "scrape_properties_BTB" using the files' folder relative path as "url".

Show elements for additional details to scrape.
Note: The "Leasing details" and "Building accessibility" containers show variable statistics. They will be stored in flexible "attribute" and "stat" tables. When a "title_*" variable is not an existing "stat", a new field will be created.

BTB REIT details

7 : After populating the instructions dictionary with these elements, we can launch "" passing with the argument "scrape_properties_BTB" so that it doesn't run the first routine again. We could pass a list of routines as "['...', '...']".

Show results of routine.

BTB REIT elements

c p c p


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