A rootkit for Android. Based on "Android platform based linux kernel rootkit" from Phrack Issue 68
Part of a class project. Adding it here just because there is not just enough documentation out there to do this for android
Using kernel tree from https://github.com/Evervolv/android_kernel_htc_qsd8k
Using ROM image from http://cos-bravo-ics.googlecode.com/files/COS-Bravo-Jb-alpha1.zip
Using Android NDK toolchain 4.4.3 from Google.
Tried and tested on HTC Bravo running kernel version
filename: sys_call_table.ko description: This rookit is developed to intercept the following calls SYS_WRITE, SYS_READ ,SYS_CREAT ,SYS_MKDIR ,SYS_RMDIR ,SYS_KILL ,SYS_OPEN ,SYS_CLOSE , SYS_GETDENT ,SYS_UNLINK, SYS_KILL
author: Hitesh Dharmdasani [email protected]
license: GPL
vermagic: preempt mod_unload ARMv7
- The source tree will not complile to give you a zImage that you should use. A hack around it was to just use a pre built rom with the same specs
- If you are facing vermagic issues. Fix them by the obvious. -- Fix entry in utrelease.h -- Fix entry in kernel.release -- DO NOT 'make' the kernel source tree after you do this