No, in short. There is no infrastucture to handle several modes.
$ vite build --mode development --mode https
This way it won't work. The last argument will rewrite the whole value. And what is more important, the wariables from the .env.development won't be read automatically.
$ vite build --mode development,https
Will set mode variable as a "development,https"
string and every time where you need to use either mode
or import.meta.env.MODE
you have to transform into something you are ready work with.
Of course, those issues could be overcomed, if needed
- mode string could be parsed and the envs can be stored within
as separate variables, use src/env.d.ts and config.define - vite provide loadEnv helper, to ready easily any env file from within the vite.config.ts module
No, though, that isn't an issue at all. To make sure the code is correct we can call the tsc --noEmit
beforehand the build.
Maybe, but it doesn't. It shows the warnings and provides seversl strategies to split the codebase on smaller pieces
(!) Some chunks are larger than 500 kBs after minification. Consider:
- Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
- Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking:
- Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
Create a file env/.env.<mode-name>.local
put there the variables you need. They will be merged over the variables from the .env.<mode-name>
For more details and examples check