>_ Hello, World! I'm Aron Bazini
>_ whoami
I'm a results-driven Software Developer passionate about creating innovative and scalable solutions.
Skilled in PHP, Laravel, Spring Boot, Django, and TailwindCSS.
Blending code with creativity, I thrive in problem-solving, software architecture, and digital transformation.
Founder of SwishWeb, empowering businesses globally with cutting-edge web solutions.
>_ skills --all
Backend: PHP | Laravel | Spring Boot | Django
Frontend: Tailwind CSS | Livewire | Alpine.js | Blade
Database: MySQL | PostgreSQL | MongoDB
Tools: Git | Docker
>_ projects --featured
- 🔗 SwishCoin Blockchain: A secure, scalable blockchain system built with Django, featuring smart contract capabilities.
- 📡 WebScrapingProjectAronBazini: A Python-based project that fetches real-time weather data using WeatherAPI and encrypts sensitive data with AES.
- 🎒 Knapsack-Project: A Laravel application to solve the 0/1 Knapsack problem with dynamic programming and Tailwind CSS for visualization.
- 🍽️ Restaurant Review System: A Laravel and React-based review system with RESTful API and robust testing using Pest.
- 🔑 KVStore: A distributed client-server system in Go, implementing a storage service using Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
- 🏦 Bank Management System: A Java-based ATM and bank management system with account handling features.
>_ fun-fact
💡 Did you know? The binary string 01001101 01000001 01000100 01000101 00100000 01001001 01001110 00100000 01010110 01000001 01001100 01001111 01001110 01000001
in my bio means "MADE IN VALONA" 😎
>_ dev-quote
>_ contact --reachme
💼 LinkedIn: Aron Bazini
>_ Thanks for stopping by! 🚀
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