This tool converts ONNX models to Caffe format. Only use for inference.
- Caffe 1.0 (with Python support)
- ONNX 1.4.0
- protobuf 3.7.1
To convert an ONNX model to Caffe:
python --onnx ./model/MobileNetV2.onnx --prototxt ./model/MobileNetV2.prototxt --caffemodel ./model/MobileNetV2.caffemodel
Build a Docker image with a minimal Caffe 1.0, ONNX 1.4.0 and protobuf 3.7.1 installation, using the Dockerfile
inside this repo:
docker build --network=host -t onnx-caffe_18.04 .
Then create a Docker container based on this image and open a terminal inside:
docker run --network=host -e PYTHONPATH=/workspace/onnx2caffe -v $PWD:/workspace -it onnx-caffe_18.04 /bin/bash
cd /workspace
python3 [with arguments from above]
- Conv
- ConvTranspose
- BatchNormalization
- MaxPool
- AveragePool
- Leaky ReLU
- ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Dropout
- Gemm (InnerProduct only)
- Add
- Mul
- Reshape
- Upsample
- Concat
- Flatten