在原 jd-gui 基础上,增加直接处理 apk 文件的功能,即把 apkName.apk 文件拖到 jd-gui 窗口中,就能在 apkName.apk 所在目录解压到 apkName 目录,并调用 dex2jar 的代码得到 classes.jar 文件, 然后把 classes.jar 传给 jd-gui 处理。
- 只支持拖拽 .apk 文件,不支持在文件选择器里面选择 .apk 文件。
- jd-gui 有一个问题,用它打开一个 .jar 文件,然后修改该 .jar 文件,在不重启 jd-gui 的情况下再次打开该 .jar 文件,此文件的变化不会在 jd-gui 中体现,所以我常常要重启 jd-gui 来查看 apk 文件的代码变化。
........................... 以下是 jd-gui 原来的的 README 内容 .............................
JD-GUI, a standalone graphical utility that displays Java sources from CLASS files.
- Java Decompiler projects home page: http://jd.benow.ca
- Java Decompiler Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Decompiler
- JD-GUI source code: https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui
##Description JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of ".class" files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields.
##How to build JD-GUI ?
> ./gradlew build
generate "build/libs/jd-gui-x.y.z.jar"
> ./gradlew installOsxDist
generate "build/install/jd-gui-osx/JD-GUI.app"
> iexplore http://sourceforge.net/projects/launch4j/files/launch4j-3/3.7/launch4j-3.7-win32.zip/download
> unzip launch4j-3.7-win32.zip
> ./gradlew -DLAUNCH4J_HOME=.../path/to/launch4j-3.7-win32 installWindowsDist
generate "build/install/jd-gui-windows/jd-gui.exe"
> ./gradlew buildDeb
generate Ubuntu/Debian installer
> ./gradlew buildRpm
generate RedHat/CentOS/Fedora installer
##How to launch JD-GUI ?
- Double-click on "jd-gui-x.y.z.jar"
- Double-click on "JD-GUI" application from Mac OSX
- Double-click on "jd-gui.exe" application from Windows
- Execute "java -jar jd-gui-x.y.z.jar" or "java -classpath jd-gui-x.y.z.jar org.jd.gui.App"
##How to use JD-GUI ?
- Open a file with menu "File > Open File..."
- Open recent files with menu "File > Recent Files"
- Drag and drop files from your file explorer
##How to extend JD-GUI ?
> ./gradlew idea
generate Idea Intellij project
> ./gradlew eclipse
generate Eclipse project
> java -classpath jd-gui-x.y.z.jar;myextension1.jar;myextension2.jar org.jd.gui.App
launch JD-GUI with your extensions
##How to uninstall JD-GUI ?
- Java: Delete "jd-gui-x.y.z.jar" and "jd-gui.cfg".
- Mac OSX: Drag and drop "JD-GUI" application into the trash.
- Windows: Delete "jd-gui.exe" and "jd-gui.cfg".