C++ header only library with a bunch of tricks.
#include <nya.hpp>
uint x; // unsigned int
llong y; // long long
u_p<MyClass> myObject; // std::unique_ptr
s_p<MyClass> myObject; // std::shared_ptr
int sum = std::accumulate(nya_all(v), 0); // begin, end
- see nya.hpp for more aliases
#include <nya/api.hpp>
- enum with conversion to and from string
#define MyEnumDef(K, V) \
K(One) \
V(Two, 20) \
K(Three) /* It's the third */ \
V(Four, 40) /* It's the fourth */
nya_enum(MyEnum, MyEnumDef);
MyEnum e1 = MyEnum::One;
const char* s = e1.c_str(); // to string
MyEnum e2 = "Two"; // from string
switch (e2) // switch
case MyEnum::One: cout << "-> 1\n"; break;
case MyEnum::Two: cout << "-> 2\n"; break;
- event_loop — event loop
void bar(int y) { x1 = y; }
nya::event_loop eventLoop;
eventLoop.post(bar, 1); // will be called in the following thread
thread th([&eventLoop] { eventLoop.run(); });
- exception with file:line
nya_throw << "File %s is not found"s % fileName;
- format — boost::format wrapper
cout << "Alpha %s Gamma"s % "Beta"; // "Alpha Beta Gamma"
- invoker — event loop wrapper
template<typename F> using sig = boost::signals2::signal<F>;
sig<void(int)> foo; // signal
void bar(int y) { x1 = y; } // slot 1
auto baz = [](int y) { x2 = y; }; // slot 2
nya::event_loop eventLoop;
nya::invoke_in(eventLoop, bar, 1); // async function invocation with parameter
nya::connect_in(eventLoop, foo, baz); // async connect to lambda
foo(2); // slot will be called in the following thread
thread th([&eventLoop] { eventLoop.run(); });
- io notes
cout << SomeClass(); // any class with string cast operator
cout << std::variant<int, float>(1); // variant streaming is not in std yet
- cozy log
error_log << "Number %d shouldn't be here"s % 5;
- submodule — automatic submodule update (copy the file, if nya is submodule itself)
- fetch_content — convenient way to call FetchContent
nya_fetch_content(https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git master)