quick and dirty proof-of-concept to hide shells in images
This code is rough. It is strictly to demonstrate.
There are two files:
- imgdevil.ps1 -- contains both encoder and decoder. DOES NOT EXECUTE ON ITS OWN
- imgdevil_decoder_only.p1 -- the decoder + invoke-expression to run. !! THIS WILL CREATE A SHELL !!
To encode an image, there are a few spots you will need to manually update in the script.
$originalimagepath = "C:\Users\nyxgeek\Desktop\kilroy500.png"
$inputpowershellpath = "C:\Users\nyxgeek\Desktop\bindshell_one-liner.ps1"
The rest of the paths are local, and will write out to the local directory.
To decode an image, only one line needs to be changed:
$webpath = "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUUb7yQVQAEGZDp.png"
by default, this points to an encoded bind shell on port 443.
See the original blog post for more information: