ver. 0.4.0
A Solidity library for implementing a data indexing regime using a circular linked list.
This library encodes a bidirectional ring storage structure which can provide lookup, navigation and key/index storage functionality of data indices or keys which can be used independently or in conjunction with a storage array or mapping.
This implementation seeks to provide the minimal API functionality of inserting, removing and stepping through a unique set of indices/keys. Functions such as push(), pop() can be used to implement a First In Last Out (FILO) stack or a First In First Out (FIFO) ring buffer while the step() function can be used to create an iterator over such as a list of mapping keys.
Darryl Morris (o0ragman0o)
pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
import '';
contract Foo {
using LibCLLu for LibCLLu.CLL;
// The circular linked list storage structure
LibCLLu.CLL public list;
mapping (uint => <some_type>) mappingToBeIndexed;
// or
<some_type>[] arrayToBeIndexed;
Note that this library uses internal functions only which are compiled into the calling contracts bytecode. No deployment or linking is required. This was found to be more efficient as the library bytecode itself compiles to a smaller size than the byte code used to call it if it was external. Being internal also yeilds greater gas efficiency.
is a nested mapping with the first key being the node index (uint) and the second being the bidirectional link (bool) to a neighbouring node. Key 0
implies the head so writes to LinkedList.l[0]
or manually linking to Linklist.l[0] (e.g. ll[var1][false] = 0;) are to be avoided by the calling contract.
struct CLL{
mapping (uint => mapping (bool => uint)) cll;
The bidirectional links consist of two State slots (2x uint256) which are written to by the function stitch()
calls stitch()
twice for a total of 4 state mutations.
calls stitch()
once and deletes two slots.
All functions in the library are internal. Any public access to the linked list should be wrapped in a public functions of the utilising contract.
function exists(CLL storage self) internal constant returns (bool)
Returns the existential state of the list itself.
HEAD links to non-zero node.
HEAD links to zero.
function stitch(CLL storage self, uint a, uint b, bool d) internal
Reciprocally links two nodes a
and b
in the before/after direction given in d
d == false
Link a
previous to b
d == true
Link a
next from b
function insert (CLL storage self, uint a, uint b, bool d) internal
Inserts a node between two existing nodes.
an existing node key.
the node key to insert.
d == false
Insert b
d == true
Insert b
function remove(CLL storage self, uint n) internal returns (uint)
Deletes a node from the linked list and returns its value.
The node to be deleted.
function getNode(CLL storage self, uint n) internal constant returns (uint[2])
Returns the bidirectional link as a uint[2] array in the form of [PREV, NEXT]
function step(CLL storage self, uint n, bool d) internal constant returns (uint)
Returns the next or previous node key from a given node key.
Node key to step from.
d == false
Returns the previous node key.
d == true
Returns the next node key.
function seek(CLL storage self, uint n, bool d) internal constant returns (uint)
Seeks and returns the next or previous node greater or less than n
in an ordered list in direction d
from the Head.
This function can be used before insert() in order to build an orderd list.
Node key to seek. Does not need to be an existing node.
d == false
Seek in decending order.
d == true
Seek in ascending order.
function push(CLL storage self, uint n, bool d) internal
Creates a new node 'previous' or 'next' to the head.
Node key to push.
d == false
Returns the previous node key.
d == true
Returns the next node key.
function pop(CLL storage self, bool d) internal returns (uint)
Deletes the node 'previous' or 'next' to the head and returns its value.
d == false
Returns the previous node key.
d == true
Returns the next node key.
All contributions are made under the MIT license. See LICENSE.