To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
If this is first time you use OpenCV-Dynamic as the dependency, it'll take time to install.
Just import the framework
import SwiftEyes
In class SEMotionTrackViewController
, you can see the example.
Simply use the code below can identify the motion blob.
func processImage(_ image: OCVMat!) {
// Parameters
let blurSize = 10
let sensitivityValue = 20.0
var differenceMat = OCVMat(cgSize: CGSize(width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height), type: image.type, channels: image.channels)
// from BGR to RGB
OCVOperation.convertColor(fromSource: image, toDestination: image, with: .typeBGRA2RGBA)
// set current mat
currentMat = image.clone()
// convert current mat from RGB to GrayScale
OCVOperation.convertColor(fromSource: currentMat, toDestination: currentMat, with: .typeRGBA2GRAY)
if previousMat != nil {
OCVOperation.absoluteDifference(onFirstSource: currentMat, andSecondSource: previousMat, toDestination: differenceMat)
OCVOperation.blur(onSource: differenceMat, toDestination: differenceMat, with: OCVSize(width: blurSize, height: blurSize))
OCVOperation.threshold(onSource: differenceMat, toDestination: differenceMat, withThresh: sensitivityValue, withMaxValue: 255.0, with: .binary)
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
cameraImageView.image = image.image()
displayImageView.image = differenceMat.image()
// use previous mat(frame) to compare with next mat(frame)
previousMat = currentMat
If you didn't install CocoaPods yet, you can install from here.
And before you run pod install
, please be sure that you have install cmake
as well.
To download it, simply use Homebrew to install:
brew install cmake
SwiftEyes is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SwiftEyes"
Victor Lee, [email protected]
BSD license, respect OpenCV license as well.