Micro framework for writing applications on ESP32 devices connected to Google Cloud Platform with MQTT protocol. Check out this guide for an end to end esp32 application using this framework.
- Inverstion of control, just pass your callbacks for device configuration, state and commands
- cJSON config and state objects
- Periodic state updates
- OTA updates with versioning
- Cloud logging
pio lib install "oalpay/petit-gcp"
Copy include/*.h and src/*.c files to your project.
static void app_config_callback(gcp_app_handle_t client, gcp_app_config_handle_t config, void *user_context)
char *pretty_config = cJSON_Print(config);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[app_config_callback] app_config:%s \n", pretty_config);
gcp_app_logf(client, "love is %s", command);
static void app_command_callback(gcp_app_handle_t client, char *topic, char *command, void *user_context)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[app_command_callback] topic:%s, cmd:%s", topic, command);
gcp_app_send_telemetry(client, "topic_love", "1");
/* add your applications state and forget about it. This callback will be called periodically with an empty state object. If there is a change from the previos call your new state will be sent to GCP IoT state topic */
static void app_get_state_callback(gcp_app_handle_t client, gcp_app_state_handle_t state, void *user_context)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[app_get_state_callback]");
cJSON_AddStringToObject(state, "desire", "objet petit");
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(state, "GPIO_18", gpio_get_level(18));
/* set your JWT TOKEN */
static void jwt_callback(const char *project_id, char* jtw_token_buffer)
char *token = create_GCP_JWT(project_id, (const char *)gcp_jwt_private_pem_key_start, gcp_jwt_private_pem_key_end - gcp_jwt_private_pem_key_start);
strncpy(jtw_token_buffer,token, JWT_TOKEN_BUFFER_SIZE); //BUFFER SIZE
void app_main() {
/* initializers
gcp_device_identifiers_t default_gcp_device_identifiers = {
.registery = REGISTERY,
.region = REGION,
.project_id = PROJECT_ID,
.device_id = DEVICE_ID};
gcp_app_config_t gcp_app_config = {
.cmd_callback = &app_command_callback, /* wildcard command topic messages will be delivered to this callback from MQTT_TASK thread */
.config_callback = &app_config_callback, /* called from MQTT_TASK thread when config is received from GCP */
.state_callback = &app_get_state_callback, /* called from GCP_APP thread and new state will be sent on if there is change from the previous state */
.device_identifiers = &default_gcp_device_identifiers,
.jwt_callback = &jwt_callback};
gcp_app_handle_t petit_app = gcp_app_init(&gcp_app_config);
"tz": "GMT-3"
- app_config: this object will be passed to your gcp_app_config_t.config_callback
- device_config: this object is reserved for petit_gcp framework
- state_period_ms: how often state updates will be checked and sent if there is a change
- pulse_period_ms: how often hearth pulse signals will be sent
- tz: set timezone of the device
Example function app_get_state_callback above will generate and send this state object to GCP
"desire":"objet petit",
- version: your applications version will be read from esp_app_desc_t and if it is different from the configuration then the firmware pointed at the url will be burned to your device
- url: firmware url (make sure pass the server certificates to gcp_app_config_t.ota_server_cert_pem)
Logs will be sent as telemetry messages, you can change the default logging topic by passing a relative path in gcp_app_config_t.topic_path_log e.g. topic_path_log="my_log_path/is_better"
static void app_command_callback(gcp_app_handle_t client, char *topic, char *command, void *user_context)
gcp_app_logf(client, "love is %s", command);
gcp_app_log(client, "Love is giving something you don't have to someone who doesn't want it.");
Framework will sent periodic telemetry messages to pulse topic you can change the default pulse topic in gcp_app_config_t.topic_path_pule e.g. topic_path_pule="my_pulse/is_better"