N.B. This docker setup does not use the official oTree source release but a development version found here (https://github.com/obeliss-nlesc/otree-core.git). This docker setup spins up 3 instances of oTree custom server with 3 accompanying Postgres databases. Its main use is for development and testing purposes. The instances are loaded with the demo apps by default.
Copy _secrets.env
to secrets.env
and modify accordingly.
Check config.env
to change the default settings for the Docker images that will be built.
By default the Docker images will pull the oTree experiments from GIT_EXP_URL
which is defined in config.env
In a new terminal, go to the root of this project. To run a 3 oTree instance setup run:
make up
The 3 servers are accessed on http://localhost:9091, http://localhost:9092 and http://localhost:9093. You can log in with username admin
and the password you assigned to OTREE_ADMIN_PASSWORD
in your secrets.env
To stop the services run:
make down
To delete all otree docker containers, volumes, networks.
make clean