$ python unpack.py -h
usage: SDK addons repacker [-h] [--batch] [--target TARGET] [--force] [--diff]
[--diffstat] [--sdk SDK] [--sdks SDKS]
{deps,checksum,unpack,repackability,repack} path
Available actions:
- `deps`: display dependencies used by the addon
- `checksum`: verify that the addon is only using official SDK files
- `unpack`: create a source package out of an "compiled" addon
- `repackability`: do various sanity check to see how safe the repack would be (requires `--sdks` argument)
- `repack`: rebuild an addon with another SDK version (requires `--sdk` argument)
positional arguments:
Action to execute
path path to either a xpi file or an extension folder to
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--batch Process `path` argument as a folder containing
multiple addons
--target TARGET Folder where to put repacked xpi file(s)
--force Force unpack/repack even if checksums are wrong and
addon are using a patched SDK version.
--diff Print a diff patch between original XPI and repacked
--diffstat Print a diff statistics between original XPI and
repacked one.
--sdk SDK Path to SDK folder to use for repacking.
--sdks SDKS Path to the directory with each released SDK version.
# Print SDK version use for a given addon and which packages/modules is it using
$ python unpack.py deps addon.xpi
addon.xpi; 1.2.1; {"addon-kit": ["hotkeys", "tabs", "widget"], "auf-trollbook-posten": ["main"]}
# Verify all SDK files shipped in the xpi and ensure that checksums are original ones
$ python unpack.py checksum addon.xpi
addon.xpi; 1.2.1; OK; [] <-- [] means no patched files. otherwise you get the list of non-official files
# Unpack an xpi to sources files
$ mkdir addon/
$ python unpack.py unpack addon.xpi --target addon/
$ ls -R addon
data lib locale package.json
# Repack a given addon with a given SDK version
$ cd .../repacker
$ python unpack.py repack my-addon.xpi --sdk /path/to/a/sdk/folder
Successfully repacked my-addon.xpi to my-addon-repacked.xpi
# Sanity check for a given addon. Ensure that the repacker works fine and that the given xpi hasn't be manually modified.
$ cd .../repacker
$ cd sdks/
$ ./clone_all_sdk_versions.sh
$ cd ..
$ python unpack.py repackability my-addon.xpi --sdks /absolute/path/to/sdks/folder
Successfully repacked my-addon.xpi to my-addon-repacked.xpi