epub2pdf Public
Forked from rava-dosa/epub2pdfConvert epub and Mobi to pdf. Python native Code. Minimalistic.
Python UpdatedJul 6, 2022 -
File-Upload-API Public
Forked from GiancarloAparicio/File-Upload-APIAPI developed with Lumen, responsible for uploading, compressing and storing photos (.png, .svg, .jpg), music (.mp3) and videos (.mp4)
PHP UpdatedSep 20, 2020 -
odt_to_pdf Public
Forked from kerenskybr/odt_to_pdfSimple tool for converting odt files to pdf
Python UpdatedAug 5, 2020 -
C-Sharp-Promise Public
Forked from Real-Serious-Games/C-Sharp-PromisePromises library for C# for management of asynchronous operations.
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2020 -
OfficeToPDF Public
Forked from cognidox/OfficeToPDFA command line tool to convert Microsoft Office documents to PDFs
C# Other UpdatedFeb 26, 2020 -
Windows-User-Action-Hook Public
Forked from justcoding121/windows-user-action-hookA .NET library to subscribe for Windows operating system global user actions such mouse, keyboard, clipboard & print events
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 26, 2019 -
printerHooking-service-test Public
Forked from jongwuner/printerHooking-service-testC# / Service / PrinterHooking / Deviare
C# UpdatedNov 12, 2019 -
vue-element-admin Public
Forked from PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
Vue MIT License UpdatedOct 25, 2019 -
Doxa Public
Forked from brandonmpetty/DoxaA Local Adaptive Thresholding framework for image binarization written in C++, with WASM support. Implementing: Otsu, Bernsen, Niblack, Sauvola, Wolf, Gatos, NICK, Su, T.R. Singh, WAN, ISauvola, Ba…
C++ Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedSep 11, 2019 -
WpsToPdf Public
Forked from xlgwr/WpsToPdfWpsToPdf 主要是引用WPS 对应Dll com,生成 xls,word,ppt 生成pdf的功能
httplib Public
Forked from j6mes/httplibHttpLib. A free HTTP library for C#
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 5, 2019 -
windows-printer-activity-hooking-sample Public
Forked from srw/windows-printer-activity-hooking-sampleThe project hooks windows printer functions using the Deviare Interception Engine
C# UpdatedJun 6, 2012