This library helps in analyzing Nginx web server configuration files, looking up for specified parameters, blocks, regular expressions or comments. Then AST can be modified and converted back to plain file.
- Convert config file to AST tree using ANTLR4 parsing capabilities
- The same is available for JavaCC too (deprecated)
- Rebuild config files and dump them back to *.conf
- Nested blocks support
- If statements support
- Unquoted regexp within location/rewrite/if statements support
- Comments support
Add the following dependency to your POM:
How to perform basic parsing of the following Nginx config:
NgxConfig conf ="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf");
NgxParam workers = conf.findParam("worker_processes"); // Ex.1
workers.getValue(); // "1"
NgxParam listen = conf.findParam("http", "server", "listen"); // Ex.2
listen.getValue(); // "8889"
List<NgxEntry> rtmpServers = conf.findAll(NgxConfig.BLOCK, "rtmp", "server"); // Ex.3
for (NgxEntry entry : rtmpServers) {
((NgxBlock)entry).getName(); // "server"
((NgxBlock)entry).findParam("application", "live"); // "on" for the first iter, "off" for the second one
worker_processes 1; # <- Ex.1
http {
server {
listen 8889; # <- Ex.2
server_name localhost;
rtmp {
server { # <- Ex.3 (first)
listen 1935;
application myapp {
live on;
server { # <- Ex.3 (second)
listen 1936;
application myapp2 {
live off;
NgxConfig conf ="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf");
// ...
NgxDumper dumper = new NgxDumper(conf);
return dumper.dump(System.out);
Alexey Plotnik ([email protected],, I do it just because I like it.
Apache 2.0