nimbalwear is an open source toolkit for processing data from wearable sensors.
- Under construction
To install the latest release of nimbalwear directly from GitHub using pip, run the following line in terminal or console:
pip install git+
To install a specific release, insert M.m
after the repository name to install from the branch associated with that
minor release. For example:
pip install git+[email protected]
To include the latest release of nimbalwear as a dependency in your Python package, include the following line in
or include the string within the list alongside your other dependencies:
To include a specific release, replace [version]
with the branch associated with that minor release.
- update version dependencies for numpy < 2, matplotlib < 3.9
- bug fix: resolved start_time inaccuracy for Axivity devices when using fractional timestamps
- bug fix: resolved error in collection report if no sync events
- bug fix: resolved sync event naming issue based on device location in collection report
- bug fix: fixed logic for including supp_info files with or without password protection
- updated to require numba v0.59.0 or higher for Python 3.12 compatibility
- added "create" parameter to Study to give option to create new study folder
- added Study.sync_raw() method to sync files from raw_source_dir folder
- moved supp_pwd parameter from Study.__init__() to Study.run_pipeline()
- bug fix: resolve error in collection report when not all possible device locations collected
- add collection report
- change vertdetach references to nimbaldetach
- bug fix: remove all Nonin file capabilities to resolve textract/six issues with Python 3.12
- add get_timestamps method to Device object
- bug fix: error when dataframes not created if data does not exist
- bug fix: error creating nonwear bouts dataframe if no nonwear detected
- bug fix: dropping rejected syncs if none detected
- update vertdetach version
- update compatibility with pyedflib v1.0.34 (sex header field and sample_frequency)
- bug fix: datetime conversion when reading nonwear csv
- bug fix: add flatten-dict to setup.cfg
- bug fix: indexing issue caused states to sometimes be skipped
- bug fix: start date calculation for multiple gait devices
- fixed bug
- reorganized gait module code
- adjust start time moved to before sync
- add autocal offset and scale outputs
- option to save separate sensor EDF files after data prep
- move settings dump from log into separate file
- rename Pipeline class to Study
- separate default, study, and custom pipeline settings
- some missing data handled and reported as warning instead of raising exception
- bug fix: all filters now dual pass
- separate sync event and segments into separate folders
- syncs detected from any axis rather than choosing those from one axis
- include config sync in sync list
- add ref device type and location to sync output
- bug fix: properly handles Axivity devices with no gyro collected
- bug fix: instead of error, sync returns empty DataFrame when no syncs detected or matched
- bug fix: fix bug where sync plots aren't displayed
- bug fix: ensure physical_min < physical_max when writing edf
- bug fix: properly detects sleep bouts when entire SPTW is sleep
- added utility to read password protected excel files
- bug fix: adjust filter order in activity module
- bug fix: fix error when trying to run activity module with no sleep detected
- bug fix: properly calculates sample indices to be removed - no longer attempts to remove sample beyond end of window
- add minimum correlation option for sync
- bug fix: references to settings.json instead of settings.toml on install
- subjects.csv renamed to collections.csv and coll_id column added
- settings.toml replaces settings.json
- moved config_time check to only occur on first device in sync and display appropriately in log
- activity analysis now done for all wrist devices available with options to select cutpoints
- Pipeline.add_custom_events() provides ability to add or replace custom events from csv
- can specify separate non-wear detection parameters for ankle, wrist, and trunk devices
- change search radius to minutes
- fix bug in plot if sync is near end of sync radius
- fix assignment bug if search radius is not set
- fix bug where pipeline tries to autocalibrate data from file that wasn't found
- fix bug when sync search radius falls outside target collection time
- insert wear bouts between nonwear bouts (added event column)
- fixed bug excluding sleep windows to exclude from activity
- accel step detection uses gait_stats for summary
- rename start_timestamp and end_timestamp to start_time and end_time in gait
- rename "feedback report"
- add daily non-wear summary
- crop non-wear from start of collection
- separate sedentary detected from wrist data while walking from other sedentary
- option to classify sptw and sleep bouts as 'overnight'
- handle Bittium file import if header is imperfect
- add sync search radius
- activity fixes
- output 1-second avm
- fix hard-coded epoch_length
- add accel_std_thresh_mg as nonwear setting in JSON file
- check for accelerometer signals before autocal
- fix Nonin device data import bugs
- fix missing gait pushoff data bug
- updated filtering and vm calculation for activity calculation (faster)
- renamed Data object to Device
- added autocalibration of accelerometers
- added relevant functions from nwdata, nwnonwear, nwgait, nwsleep, nwactivity, and nwapp as,,,, and modules
- tidy sync outputs
- add option to provide alternative settings.json file
- new processing log for each collection
- output settings to log
- update to nwdata v0.9.2 (much faster file reading and writing)
- update to nwgait v0.4.2
- new processing log for each run call
- fix package setup files
- add option to adjust start time of device on convert
- update to nwnonwear v0.2.0 that uses vertdetach package
- allow choice between accel and gyro step detection
- update pandas append to concat
- bug fix: non-wear end detection windows in proper direction (nwnonwear v0.1.3)
- bug fix: non-wear detection accounts for temperature frequency in rate of change (nwnonwearv0.1.3)
- add option to lowpass data before activity calculations (nwactivity v0.2.1)
- bug fix: does not count activity during nonwear or sleep (nwactivity v0.3.0)
- add option to synchronize devices on convert (nwdata v0.9.0)
- select activity cutpoints based on age (nwactivty v0.2.0)
- bug fix: dominant hand from subjects.csv no longer case sensitive
- gyro step detection for gait
- nwdata v0.8.0 update
- add option to crop NWData inplace
- add read_header method to CWAFile
- add rotate_z method to rotate accelerometer and gyroscope data around z axis
- adjust Bittium accelerometer signals to g instead of mg
- restructure NWData header
- create separate file for rejected steps
- bug fix: only include single device in cropped nonwear csv
- bug fix: report correct steps detected in log file
- bug fix: do not allow sleep and nonwear to overlap (nwsleep v0.3.1)
- bug fix: dedicated logger based on study code
- reorganized Pipeline and Collection classes
- moved many settings to settings.json file
- read and convert split so convert can be tracked by status
- update to nwdata v0.7.2
- adjust gait algorithm and vertical axis detection (nwgait v0.3.0)
- bug fix: quiet variable is passed to edf export function
- modify collection loop to only perform collections included in device list
- create cropped non-wear time file
- bug fix: file duration calculation while cropping (nwdata v0.7.1)
- updated to nwdata v0.7.0 to incorporate multiple changes
- convert to ndarray before write with pyedflib (bug)
- handle Bittium Faros 360 and variable signals
- update device type codes
- Modify device and sensor logic to match nwdata v0.7.0
- bug fix: axis selection during gait detection (nwgait v0.1.4)
- add option to run daily sleep stats on all sptw that contain sleep (nwsleep v0.3.0)
- add option to select axis used to detect gait
- add daily_all sleep stats output
- bug fix: convert device locations to upper case when selecting devices
- bug fix: add column names to steps table if none found (workaround)
- bug fix: check for minimum usable data and candidate sptw and sleep bouts before continuing processing (nwsleep v0.2.2)
- update pyedflib for all required packages
- add mechanism to add data dictionaries to output folders
- ignore non-wear when detecting sleep period time windows (nwsleep v0.2.0)
- run t5a5 and t8a4 sleep bout detection
- require pyedflib v0.1.22
- add non-wear detection for Axivity devices (AXV6) (nwnonwear v0.1.2)
- interpolate inserted values when correcting clock drift or sample rate (nwdata v0.5.0)
- faster GENEActiv read and progress bars on clock drift correct (nwdata v0.6.0)
- adjust device selection logic for activity, gait, sleep analytics
- update
to require v0.4.0- fixes bug where startdate not updated when cropping NWData
- adds method to get day indices of a signal
- add subjects.csv
- add sleep detection and analysis (nwsleep v0.1.0)
- fix bug where errors during collection not logged correctly
- update
to require v0.1.1 (remove mvpa from daily summary) - update
to require v0.1.2 (add daily gait summary) - add daily gait summary output
- add pipeline status tracking
- renames EDF files to standard names based on information from devices.csv
- loads data only required devices for single stage
- add support for Axivity AX6 devices (update
to require v0.3.0)
- add gait processing (nwgait v0.1.0)
- add unexpected error handling with traceback output to log
- add activity processing (nwactivity v0.1.0)
- add study_code as an identifier for all generated data
- add nonwear_bout_id to nonwear output (nwnonwear v0.1.1)
- add nonwear processing (nwnonwear v0.1.0)
- add option to process only a single stage of the pipeline
- update
to require v0.1.2