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Workflow to generate consensus sequence bases on UMIs using consensusCruncher.

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Workflow to run extract UMIs from fastq and generate consensus Bams as well as run it thru mutect2 task and combinevariants task





java -jar cromwell.jar run umiConsensus.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
outputFileNamePrefix String Prefix to use for output file
intervalFile String interval file to subset variant calls
reference String the reference build of the genome

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
fastqGroups Array[fastqGroup]? None Array of fastq files to concatenate if a top-up
sortedBam File? None Bam file from bwamem
sortedBai File? None Bai file from bwamem

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
align.consensusCruncherPy String "$CONSENSUS_CRUNCHER_ROOT/bin/" Path to consensusCruncher binary
align.bwa String "$BWA_ROOT/bin/bwa" Path to bwa binary
align.samtools String "$SAMTOOLS_ROOT/bin/samtools" Path to samtools binary
align.threads Int 4 Number of threads to request
align.jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated for this job
align.timeout Int 72 Hours before task timeout
mergeBams.additionalParams String? None Additional parameters to pass to GATK MergeSamFiles.
mergeBams.jobMemory Int 48 Memory allocated to job (in GB).
mergeBams.overhead Int 6 Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory.
mergeBams.cores Int 1 The number of cores to allocate to the job.
mergeBams.timeout Int 8 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
mergeBams.modules String "gatk/" Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution.
consensus.consensusCruncherPy String "$CONSENSUS_CRUNCHER_ROOT/bin/" Path to consensusCruncher binary
consensus.samtools String "$SAMTOOLS_ROOT/bin/samtools" Path to samtools binary
consensus.ccDir String basePrefix + ".consensuscruncher" Placeholder
consensus.cutoff Float 0.7 Cutoff to use to call a consenus of reads
consensus.threads Int 8 Number of threads to request
consensus.jobMemory Int 32 Memory allocated for this job
consensus.timeout Int 72 Hours before task timeout
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.collectHSmetrics_timeout Int 5 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.collectHSmetrics_maxRecordsInRam Int 250000 Specifies the N of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number increases the amount of RAM needed.
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.collectHSmetrics_coverageCap Int 500 Parameter to set a max coverage limit for Theoretical Sensitivity calculations
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.collectHSmetrics_jobMemory Int 18 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.collectHSmetrics_filter String "LENIENT" Settings for picard filter
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.collectHSmetrics_metricTag String "HS" Extension for metrics file
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.bedToBaitIntervals_timeout Int 1 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.bedToBaitIntervals_jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.bedToTargetIntervals_timeout Int 1 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunDCSSC.bedToTargetIntervals_jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.collectHSmetrics_timeout Int 5 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.collectHSmetrics_maxRecordsInRam Int 250000 Specifies the N of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number increases the amount of RAM needed.
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.collectHSmetrics_coverageCap Int 500 Parameter to set a max coverage limit for Theoretical Sensitivity calculations
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.collectHSmetrics_jobMemory Int 18 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.collectHSmetrics_filter String "LENIENT" Settings for picard filter
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.collectHSmetrics_metricTag String "HS" Extension for metrics file
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.bedToBaitIntervals_timeout Int 1 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.bedToBaitIntervals_jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.bedToTargetIntervals_timeout Int 1 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunSSCSSC.bedToTargetIntervals_jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.collectHSmetrics_timeout Int 5 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.collectHSmetrics_maxRecordsInRam Int 250000 Specifies the N of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number increases the amount of RAM needed.
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.collectHSmetrics_coverageCap Int 500 Parameter to set a max coverage limit for Theoretical Sensitivity calculations
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.collectHSmetrics_jobMemory Int 18 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.collectHSmetrics_filter String "LENIENT" Settings for picard filter
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.collectHSmetrics_metricTag String "HS" Extension for metrics file
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.bedToBaitIntervals_timeout Int 1 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.bedToBaitIntervals_jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated to job
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.bedToTargetIntervals_timeout Int 1 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
hsMetricsRunAllUnique.bedToTargetIntervals_jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated to job


Output Type Description Labels
rawBam File? aligned bam file vidarr_label: rawBam
rawBamIndex File? aligned bam index vidarr_label: rawBamIndex
dcsScBam File DCS generated from SSCS + SC vidarr_label: dcsScBam
dcsScBamIndex File Index for DCS SC Bam vidarr_label: dcsScBamIndex
allUniqueBam File DCS (from SSCS + SC) + SSCS_SC_Singletons + remaining singletons vidarr_label: allUniqueBam
allUniqueBamIndex File Index for All Unique Bam vidarr_label: allUniqueBamIndex
sscsScBam File SSCS combined with corrected singletons (from both rescue strategies) vidarr_label: sscsScBam
sscsScBamIndex File Index for SSCS SC Bam vidarr_label: sscsScBamIndex
outputCCStats File Consensus sequence formation metrics vidarr_label: outputCCStats
outputCCReadFamilies File Family size and frequency from consensusCruncher vidarr_label: outputCCReadFamilies
ccFolder File output folder containing files not needed for downstream analysis; info on family size, QC metrics vidarr_label: ccFolder
dcsScHsMetrics File Hs Metrics for duplex consensus sequences (DCS) vidarr_label: dcsScHsMetrics
sscsScHsMetrics File HS Metrics for single-strand consensus sequences (SSCS) vidarr_label: sscsScHsMetrics
allUniqueHsMetrics File HS Metrics for AllUnique vidarr_label: allUniqueHsMetrics


This section lists command(s) run by umiConsensus workflow

  • Running umiConsensus

=== Description here ===. Commands for running concat.

    set -euo pipefail

    zcat ~{sep=" " read1s} | gzip > ~{outputFileNamePrefix}_R1_001.fastq.gz

    zcat ~{sep=" " read2s} | gzip > ~{outputFileNamePrefix}_R2_001.fastq.gz

Commands for running align

    set -euo pipefail

    ~{consensusCruncherPy} fastq2bam \
         --fastq1 ~{fastqR1} \
         --fastq2 ~{fastqR2}\
         --output . \
         --bwa ~{bwa} \
         --ref ~{bwaref} \
         --samtools ~{samtools} \
         --skipcheck \
         --blist ~{blist}

    # Necessary for if bam files to be named according to merged library name
    # Additionally if ".sorted" isn't omitted here, file names from align include ".sorted" twice
    mv bamfiles/*.bam bamfiles/"~{outputFileNamePrefix}.bam"
    mv bamfiles/*.bai bamfiles/"~{outputFileNamePrefix}.bam.bai"

Commands for running consensus:

  set -euo pipefail

   ~{consensusCruncherPy} consensus \
         --input ~{inputBam} \
         --output . \
         --samtools ~{samtools} \
         --cutoff ~{cutoff} \
         --genome ~{genome} \
         --bedfile ~{cytoband} \
         --bdelim '|'

   tar cf - ~{basePrefix} | gzip --no-name > ~{ccDir}.tar.gz


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Workflow to generate consensus sequence bases on UMIs using consensusCruncher.







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