This script is free collection of shell scripts for rapid deployment of LEMP
stacks (Linux
, Nginx
and PHP
) for CentOS/Redhat Debian and Ubuntu.
Script features:
- Constant updates
- Source compiler installation, most source code is the latest stable version, and downloaded from the official website
- Fixes some security issues
- You can freely choose to install database version (MySQL-5.6, MySQL-5.5, MariaDB-10.0, MariaDB-5.5, Percona-5.6, Percona-5.5)
- You can freely choose to install PHP version (php-5.3, php-5.4, php-5.5, php-5.6, php-7/phpng(alpha))
- You can freely choose to install HHVM version (CentOS6.5 64bit, CentOS7 64bit)
- You can freely choose to install Nginx or Tengine
- You can freely choose to install Apache version (Apache-2.4, Apache-2.2)
- According to their needs can to install ZendOPcache, xcache, APCU, eAccelerator, ionCube and ZendGuardLoader (php-5.4, php-5.3)
- According to their needs can to install Pureftpd, phpMyAdmin
- According to their needs can to install memcached, redis
- According to their needs can to optimize MySQL and Nginx with jemalloc or tcmalloc
- Add a virtual host script provided
- Nginx/Tengine, PHP, Redis, phpMyAdmin upgrade script provided
- Add backup script provided
yum -y install wget screen # for CentOS/Redhat
#apt-get -y install wget screen # for Debian/Ubuntu
# or download include source packages
tar xzf lnmp.tar.gz
# or tar xzf lnmp-full.tar.gz
cd lnmp
# Prevent interrupt the installation process. If the network is down,
# you can execute commands `screen -r lnmp` network reconnect the installation window.
screen -S lnmp
./ # Set backup options
./ # Start backup, You can add cron jobs
# crontab -l # Examples
0 1 * * * cd ~/lnmp;./ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
service nginx {start|stop|status|restart|reload|configtest}
service mysqld {start|stop|restart|reload|status}
service php-fpm {start|stop|restart|reload|status}
service httpd {start|restart|stop}
service pureftpd {start|stop|restart|status}
service redis-server {start|stop|status|restart|reload}
service memcached {start|stop|status|restart|reload}
Follow the instructions in Wiki Installation page
For feedback, questions, and to follow the progress of the project (Chinese):