Visual Text Engine (working title) is meant to be a graphical user interface for text-engine, a tool for creating text adventure games that run in the browser.
- Import JSON game disks
- Export JSON game disks
- Export game to webpage
- Export game to zip (for easy upload to
- Manage starting room ID
- Manage starting inventory
- Add/remove rooms
- Set/change room ID, name, description, exits and artwork
- Drag and resize room cards
- Add/remove room exits
- Visualize connections between rooms*
- Selected card is highlighted; connections coming from and going to it are color-coded
- Add/remove/edit room items
*Needs improvement
- Set/change name, description, isTakeable property
- Add/remove custom item properties
- Set item use function (perhaps save to/load from .js files)
- Auto-size and -position rooms cards on load (look into box packing)
- Drag-and-drop connections between rooms
- Drag-and-drop items (move items to other rooms)
- Choose exit destination from drop-down list (not sure how I feel about this...)
- ASCII art editor
- CSS style editor