omnipay-gvp Public
Forked from emr/omnipay-gvpGVP (Garanti, Denizbank, TEB, ING, Şekerbank, TFKB) gateway for Omnipay payment processing library
PHP MIT License UpdatedApr 6, 2022 -
Laravel-Vue-Blog Public
Forked from mjablonski984/Laravel-Vue-BlogLaravel and Vue.js blog with admin panel - perform CRUD operations on posts, user profiles, assign roles, manage permissions.
PHP UpdatedSep 2, 2021 -
nova-permissions Public
Forked from GrapheneICT/nova-permissionsNova Permissions tool based on spatie permissions
PHP MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2020 -
laravel-settings Public
Management settings for laravel 5 using json file.
sms Public
iletiMerkezi, SMS API'si aracılığı ile kendi yazılımlarınız la SMS gönderme özelliğini eklemenizi sağlar.
flexiblegs Public
Forked from dnomak/flexiblegs-scss-plusFlexible Grid System is a Responsive CSS Framework (CSS, Sass, LESS and Stylus)