- gf2lib.gf2poly:GF(2)多项式
- gf2lib.gf2matrix:GF(2)矩阵
- (1) 通过pip安装
pip install gf2lib
- (2)直接拷贝位于src中的源代码
- (1) gf2poly
from gf2lib.gf2poly import GF2Poly
ir_poly = 0x11b # p(x)=x^8+x^4+x^3+x+1
a = GF2Poly(0b101, ir_poly) # x^2+1
b = GF2Poly(0b010, ir_poly) # x
print(a.value) # 0b101
print(a.ir_poly) # 0b100011011
print(a) # 0b101
c = a + b # 加法
d = a * b # 乘法
e = a ** 4 # 幂
f = a / b # 除法
g = a % b # 模
h = a.inverse() # 求逆
- (2) gf2matrix
from gf2lib.gf2matrix import GF2Matrix
M = GF2Matrix([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0]])
M = M * M # 乘法
M = M.inverse() # 求逆
print(M) # [[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]]
gf2lib is a library for manipulating GF (2) polynomials and GF (2) matrices over finite fields
- gf2lib.gf2poly: GF (2) polynomial
- gf2lib.gf2matrix: GF (2) matrix
- (1) Install via pip
pip install gf2lib
- (2) Directly copy the source code in src
For more reference examples, see the example folder in GitHub. gf2lib